cddgirl Member


  • I think I see how this works. I get 1200 calories and if I exercise I get more like 1500, which is more what I am accustomed to. Looks like I don't get any fitbit points unless I'm over a certain amount of steps. Kinda double dipping for me because I wear my fitbit while I exercise. So I will probably always leave those…
    in Motivated! Comment by cddgirl June 2014
  • I put in losing 1 lb per week! But I think MFP might be making adjustments because I've linked my FitBit??? " You're using Fitbit to measure your actual activity level throughout the day. To accurately reflect any extra calories you're burning, we use this data to adjust your daily MyFitnessPal calorie goal. This is how we…
    in Motivated! Comment by cddgirl June 2014
  • Lol!
    in Data Base Comment by cddgirl June 2014
  • I'm embarrassed . . . :-0 I was in the search box, typed in something I don't eat to see if it would find it . . . "pop tarts" and it immediately said not found in my recents. What I didn't do was hit "enter" . . . . thinking it was gonna quick fill. So, thank you for the redirect! Hangs head in embarrassment and exits.…
    in Data Base Comment by cddgirl June 2014
  • When I get to enter food in the search box it starts to quick fill based on my "recent", but when I'm trying to add something from the database that's not in my recent list, it just says "no results found in recent". I'm thinking there might be a setting that's wrong but have looked everywhere I can think and . .. .…
    in Data Base Comment by cddgirl June 2014