MarkR_2013 Member


  • I've been taking 20-30 minute walks on my lunch break. Big drop in BG. I'm also looking at Nordic/pole walking as a way to burn more calories without my knees, or wallet, getting any more banged up.
  • 42 here. I'll be your Huckleberry.
  • I can't say I've ever had a deep fried turkey. Though, my mouth is watering thinking about it.
  • Turkey does tend to be dry unless is roasted in a pan to keep the juices from draining out. That's what gravy and cranberry sauce are for.
  • That's medical. You get an automatic pass. Besides, it's generally considered polite to bring your own food if you're on a restrictive diet instead of requiring the host to try and make accommodations solely for you.
  • Eat something dead before hand to maintain your macros and keep your stomach quiet through dinner. After that, it's like what I tell my kids: Be polite, eat your vegetables, and you don't know you're not going to like it until you try it. If you're still going to raise a fuss, I suggest you take a pair of Growacet…
  • Two words: Portion control. I have to request no sides, or fruit side, at my work cafeteria to avoid exceeding my calorie budget. In your case: Cheeseburger + side salad with balsamic vinegar + water (300+50=350 Kcal) is OK for lunch. Big mac +fries+coke (540+390+220=1150Kcal) is not OK.
  • Been there, done that (no diagnosis, but matching symptoms with no medical reason). Three lessons that I have learned: One: watch your heart rate. A low HR over a long time tends not to result in the debilitating fatigue in the days afterward. I.e. seven hours taking the kids around a theme park only resulted in general…
  • Not unless I've got some seriously ingrained good habits. Otherwise, I will undo several days progress.
  • They have their place. I use a Fitbit Zip so I can adjust my calorie intake according to the days activities. My estimation of my calories burned was considerably higher then the Fitbit's estimation. I'm not a gear head, so I tend to go for the minimum gadgetry I can realistically get away with. EDIT: IRT the Fitbit's…
  • Bowl of cheerios or bowl of plain oatmeal, coffee, teaspoon of honey, coffee, milk, coffee, and juice (sometimes). Oh, did I mention coffee? After my kids were born, I think Juan Valdez renamed his mule after me.
  • Butternut and spaghetti squash are my staple vegetarian dishes
  • 1) I look like a beer barrel with limbs and a head. No seriously, I'm 6'2", have a 52" chest, a 54" belly, and no *kitten*. I looked like an old fashion wooden barrel perched on a saw horse. 2) Very self conscious whenever I'm out 3) Finding clothes that fit. 4) Finding backpacks and messenger bags with straps that are…
  • Both. You need to consume less calories then you use. That's the cardinal principle of of weight loss. The advantage of low carb lies in the fact that fats and proteins tend to take longer to digest. They "stick to your ribs" as is were, so you don't get hungry as soon. It's the same principle as the low glycemic index…
  • Brain Octane!?! You realize that you're just dosing your coffee with this stuff: Just put blueberries and sesame seeds on your morning cereal. It's probably tastes better too.…
  • Kenny Logins - Danger zone Survivor - Eye of the tiger Bon Jovi - It's my life, Living on a prayer GnR - Welcome to the jungle, You could be mine Toto - Hold the line Bonnie Tyler - Holding out for a hero, Band of Gold Tine Turner - Proud Mary, We don't need another hero, Steel claw Mettalica - Enter sandman, Roam, of Wolf…
  • I've decided to go with a Fitbit Zip. I don't need the extra features, and I already have my hands full keeping various devices charged (Phone, backup battery, and a variety of BT devices). Incidentally, if you keep feeding your tracker to the washing machine, you probably need to look at a waterproof ID or key holder to…
  • Right here. I've got the end of the day cleaning, which is mostly kitchen stuff. Lot's of snack food around, overtired, feeling dumped on, and bored out of my freakin skull means comfort eating.
  • Updating an old thread, so (technically) not a thread necro. The kids got their two wheelers, and everybody spent about an hour tooling around the neighborhood (maybe 1/2 hour actual pedaling time). I'm happy to say that the rehab + the knee braces + the modified pedaling technique mostly spared my knees. Needless to say,…
  • I tend to bounce between INTP and INTJ.
  • I'm trying Pacer, but I'm concerned with accuracy. I'm having trouble getting it closer than 10%-11% of my mechanical pedometer (Accusplit AE120XL). The catch is the Accusplit has a JW200 certification (98% accurate), while the Pacer has no certification. Is there an app that allows me to manually alter the steps per day?
  • Righty with you. My sweet tooth + the kids over sweetened crap + the Wife's salty snack tooth + late nights = Dang it! I'm trying to cut down on sweet stuff in general during the day since it seems to correlate to late night snacks. Going to bed early also helps
  • Dear Wife put a kibosh on the skates idea :/ , so now I'm rehabbing my knees in the hope that I can get them stable enough to ride with braces (Cho-Pat dual action knee strap), and a hamstring heavy modified pedaling technique. Wish me luck....
  • Oops, our messages crossed. 1) Inline skates are OK to try, and I can resell them if it doesn't work out. Speaking of skating, do you have a favorite make/model of knee and wrist pro? I have a history of low angle re-entries (spectacular crashes) with human powered conveyances. 2) You're not kidding about the elliptical…
  • Flip it. I need a landgoing kayak or something where I can heep my legs mostly straight.
  • I can drop my hips about 6 inches and slide side to side.without pain. With my leg measurements (19" hip to knee, 17" knee to ankle), that means about a 25-30 degree bend at the knees.
  • I have no illusions about keeping up with the kids at that age. My kids are going to be 4 in a few months when they get their own two wheelers. Once they get the hang of it, I expect them to be able to move at jogging speed (5-7 MPH). I tend to cruise (walk) at about 3-3.5 MPH. I figure that the typical recreation inline…