knlucero Member


  • Thank you! I was on the fence on whether or not I should stop weight loss and start bulking. I'm going to continue with losing 0.5 pounds a week but increase my protein and longer strength workouts. I'm also going to integrate more interval workouts in my cardio because I have read that that primarily burns fat.
  • University of Southern California :) My major is Global Health, minor is Cinematic Television for Health Professions, and I play the flute in the marching band! It was definitely a HUGE culture shock, but I am going to do my best here!
  • I don't think she means actual binging, I think she means just letting loose one day. I think it's healthy, life is all about balance. I do it too, I have a non healthy day and eat foods that are not healthy (sometimes under calorie goal, sometimes not). I see it as a way to keep going, cause you have to eat what you love…
  • I know I'm late to this forum but I'm 19, second year undergraduate student with a major in Global Health and a minor in Cinematic Television for Health Professions. :) I want to lose 18 pounds and have lost six so far but sometimes it's hard to stay on track due to fatigue (midterms), stress, or setbacks (gain weight…
  • The average person has to eat at least 1,200 calories a day, regardless of your net calories, (or else your metabolism slows and you gain weight) but if you don't exercise, that means you end up with negative net calories because you are only allowed 1,200 net calories. So you have to do some form of exercise to gain some…
  • I agree that calorie counting is not as important as eating foods with high nutritional value. But I definitely needed it to eat healthier, because even when I started eating healthy and exercising I wasn't losing weight. And it was because I didn't know how to coordinate my diet to balance it out. For example, I ate…
  • I was always the strongest in my class when it came to push- ups and sit ups, but never pull ups (I would even outdo the guys). But during college my eating habits and lifestyle made me lose that muscle mass. Now that I started weight training I can compare to the guy friends I go with because we use the same weights for…