

  • Lady J - I laughed out loud when I read "Fat Gods." Hahaha!!!! I sooo feel you on that one! It's so refreshing to know that I'm not alone in this struggle and it honestly makes me want to strive to do better. You all are awesome and I'm going to eat healthy over the weekend for myself and for all of my buddies out there…
  • Oh thank God I'm not the only one who feels like that! I started feeling a bit down b/c I felt like all my hard work during the week goes straight down the drain when the weekend hits and then I find myself working out harder on Monday. Thanks for sharing and I wish you all the best in your health & fitness goals!
  • Hello out there~ I'm just frustrated at myself for not having more will power to refrain from eating the wrong things every weekend. I always eat right and workout at least 3 times during the week, but when Friday - Sunday gets here I find myself eating all the wrong things (example: burgers, pizza, sweets, etc.) in…
  • You just inspired me! Congratulations and thank you for sharing! Here's to a healthier you!:happy:
  • Just know that you're not alone sweetie. I definitely can relate and like others have said in their replies, let these times serve as motivation to see you to the end goal - a healthier you. I've learned that whenever you attempt to make a change for the better, there's always going to be obstacles that will try to defeat…
  • Hi There, Don't be frustrated enkcott. If you just started working out harder in a matter of two weeks then I'm sure you know not to expect dramatic results so soon. Remember, if it generally takes at least 21 days to form a habit then it's going to take at least that long to break it so keep up the good work and believe…