

  • I'm 5'4'' 199lbs after losing 10 lbs over the summer with the help of MFP. I have my on and off days too, but what keeps me going is focusing on the long term goal. If I have a bad day (or two or three) I know that when I get back on track, I'm getting closer to my goal. One big thing that I believe has helped is changing…
  • I used to destress with FOOD! But no longer. Now I take my dogs for a nice long walk. We go up the hill and get a good burn and I feel calm and re-energized by the time I get back.
  • I hear that! My focus here is taking back control as well. I've quit smoking and been working out and counting those calories. It's tough but totally worth it! Feel free to add me if you'd like some encouragement!
  • Wow, that's great! Welcome :D
  • I love chard! I saute it in a tad bit of olive oil and a splash of red wine vinegar toward the end and a dash of red pepper flakes. Yummy!!