

  • i check nutrition facts and usually split a meal with my bf. saves money plus the meals are enough for 2-3 people anyway :/
  • I never trust a doctor who gives nutrition advice. They only get around 3 hours of nutritional training in school, each of my nutrition classes in college were longer than that :grumble: your body cant tell what time it is. time is a perceived experience. the sun rises the sun sets, there arent EXACTLY 24 hours in a day…
  • uhm....any disorder that revolves around eating would be an eating EDNOS, and binge eating disorder, etc.... a common symptom of starvation is mania and OCD as well.... some anorexics or bulimics will develope orthorexia at some point as like in my case. orthorexia is only diagnosed once the person…
  • no. it delves a whole lot deeper then just being health concious. i have orthorexia and anorexia nervousa binge/purge subtype. i am terrified of anything i deem unhealthy/unsafe. the factors of what i deem these traits also rapidly changes with any type of article i read, making my behaviors extremely influenced by what i…
  • "In the industrialized world, where the body beautiful is a thin one, we ask why so many are now overweight... and why is fatness seen as taboo?" some cultures do glorify fatness you know?
  • you have no idea what bulimia is. bulimia is when someone eats a large amount (binges) then purges it through vomitting, laxative abuse or over exercising. OP is more likely headed towards EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified) which is just as if not more dangerous, or anorexia which contrary to popular belief,…
  • its says "If every day were like today... You'd weigh xx lbs in 5 weeks" meaning amount of combined calories/exercise not 'if you eat this exact meal daily...' :/ anyway, yeah, just dont complete your food log. or take notice at the fact that the number changes day to day calorie to calorie. its just a computer calculating…
  • i have mine set at 30. its super easy for me to get 14 grams of fiber in only 100 calories, so i just aim real high XD
  • they are 100 calories each and healthy, but taste soooooo good C: this site also has a store locator so you can see if they sell near you. theres obviously other things on this site that you can pick too. Hope you find this site helpful, good luck!