

  • This is awesome! I probably won't log the calories burned but what an excellent argument to go for a ride. I'll be taking my baby out tonight and getting in some of those "hip stretches" (thanks for the idea chrisdavey!) taming some twisties. I just have to make sure I get in an equal amount of left hand and right hand…
  • One of my best friends and biggest cheerleaders always makes it a point to comment on how "skinny" I'm getting. Whenever she sees me. No matter who's around. I love her to death for being a staunch supporter (since she's about 115 athletic pounds soaking wet) but sometimes the looks and then the questions of "how much have…
  • My happy/goal weight has always been 145.7 (just into the "healthy" BMI range) and my "Happy Weight" is 142.7. Very close!!
  • Mid-Minnesota here. The heat is outrageous. They said that the humidity levels here were higher than in the Amazon jungle. WTH? We went biking last night - I think that there should be an "extra calories burned" section when it's that hot/humid out! :laugh:
  • 5'4" CW: 180 GW: 148 Pants: 14 Dress:12-14 Shirt: L-XL
  • Thanks! I just made them up by looking at where I want to be eventually and then setting some semi-challenging goals. I want to be able to accomplish them but I also want to push myself a little. I tried to base them on a 1.5-2 lb. weight loss per week. I would actually prefer this kind of shopping trip!!! Thanks!
  • I'm 5'4" and can finally fit into my size 14 jeans at 182. They're a little snug but I'll take it. At 200.4 (my highest weight) I was wearing 16-18 pants and 1x-2x shirts (darn bust anyway). I'm finding that I'm still wearing L-XL shirts because I don't like things to be tight. Good luck on your weight loss! The best NSV…
  • Great job! I think the mental part of the weight loss has been the most meaningful to me. I just plain FEEL better.
  • True Grit with Jeff Bridges - I hated it and actually paid movie theater prices to go see it. The only good thing was the white cherry slushee I got from the concession stand. Ugh.
  • I did my first day yesterday and had to take a couple of breathers during the cardio. I'm good for the strength training part (using 5lb. weights) but she kicks my hind end when it comes to cardio. Ugh! :grumble: I'm glad to see that some are saying that it gets better even as early as 6 days in... even I can stick it out…
  • Well, one of many things is that I don't want my belly rubbing on the tank of my motorcycle! I hate that! Size 10 jeans... medium shirts... buying clothes because I like them, not because they fit... going to a rack of clothes and finding all smalls and mediums and being happy about it... FEELING sexy... Oh, so many…
  • I'm so sorry! What a jerk... Here I thought having a truck full of college boys laugh, point and yell out the window "Look at the fat chick on the bike!" (I was riding my motorcycle at the time) was bad. They suck!
  • Yeah, it's up to the states in the US whether you have to wear a helmet or not - I agree - it's crazy!! Minnesota is a "choice" state so I see a ton of riders that "choose" not to. LOVE LOVE LOVE to ride!!! I try to get out and hit the corners as often as I can. You should check out - it's one of the most…
  • I have a few pairs of jeans that are size 11 and a couple pair of really cute shorts that are 10's that I would love to fit into again. I've got quite a ways to go before that happens but I do take them out and look at them when I need the motivation. *sigh* Someday!
  • Yeah, that 2x4 that they call the pillion seat leaves a little to be desired!! My hubby has a Concours so it's a comfy ride if we decide to go together but I hate the lack of control I have from the rear seat! LOL
  • Mine is the nickname that my dad calls me. Pretty boring!
  • I have a '08 Triumph Street Triple that my hubby bought me for my 40th birthday last year. I love it!!!! I've had a couple of SV650's and a dual sports before that. I love riding and always have helmet, gloves, armored jacket and boots on. Having ATGATT and getting clipped by a car a few years ago made me very aware of…
  • Great topic!! 1. I want to be mistaken for a hot college chick on my motorcycle (I've gotten pointed at and laughed at by silly college boys saying, "Hey, look at the fat chick on the bike!") 2. I really, really want to be the hot, sexy wife that my husband will be proud of (I know he already is but I want to FEEL that…
  • This is the site I go to:
  • That's an awesome feeling, isn't it? I had to run to a department store over lunch yesterday to buy new black pants because I was embarrassed by the way the ones I had on fit. I ride to work in the morning and just pack clothes in a backpack. Well, obviously I didn't check what I was packing because they turned out to be 2…
  • Mine is of me on my old motorcycle - Suzie ("06 Suzuki SV650). I need to get a new one with my NEW bike that my hubby bought me for my 40th birthday - '08 Triumph Street Triple! I LOVE my hubby - he's far and away my best friend!!! :blushing:
  • Me, too, but I'd rather cover them occasionally that get fired. :grumble:
  • I have several tats and our workplace just changed their dress code policy so that they have to be covered whenever we have visitors/clients in the office. This applies whether or not you meet with them or present to them. I'm OK with that - I understand the stigma attached to them but there are several in my workplace…
  • You look so much younger! Congrats on the success - keep it up!!
  • You're looking awesome! I can't wait to get into my goal dress, too. Keep up the great work - you're definitely inspiring!
  • I started MFP on 1/13/10 and totally changed my eating habits. I started adding exercise towards the end of February (nothing major - walking and minor weights). When I get back from vacation, I'm really going to concentrate on starting to run and adding a lot more toning weight lifting. There is a 5k at the end of May…
  • We live in a college town and I'm sure I've said/thought most of what you deleted. :wink:
  • What a bunch of jerks!! I wish I could have had your attitude when this happened to me last summer. I was on my bike and was stopped at a red light. A car full of college guys pulled up next to me. Of course, all the windows were down and I became the brunt of several rude comments like "Hey, look at the fat chick on the…
  • Kudos to you for offering to teach but why bash on the "Biggest Loser" things in a workplace? We've done one at my work and it has caused 40 people to be more conscious of what they're putting in their mouth. Some of us needed that motivation to get started and have come to the realization through the 12 weeks that this is…
  • I like baby mixed greens, a little shredded cheddar, craisins, apple, sunflower seeds or chopped almonds and a balsamic vinaigrette. I've also been known to throw in some strawberries, blackberries or blueberries if I have them.