smallpalehuman Member


  • My macros goals are set to 10% carbs15% protein 75% fat - I eat root veg a few times a week but try and steer clear of potatoes. I'm unable to eat moderate amounts of sweet or white potato, they tend to trigger a wild carb loading frenzy for me. As does high-sugar fruit!
  • Wowzers - thank you! My other half only likes very lean meats so he sticks to chicken breasts mostly (he's not afraid of fat, he just doesn't like it) I'm having a hard time convincing him that the only difference with the leg meat is it will be tastier. I think I'll make the chicken tikka curry and pretend I used breasts!
  • Big congratulations - great to hear it's working for you!
  • I have sensitive/dry skin and can certainly relate to the slow-build up reaction. These are the staple products I buy from Lush that I have not had a reaction to (so far) Ultrabland Facial Cleanser: Made with almond oil, rose water, beeswax and honey. Dream Steamer Tab…
  • I know many VEGETARIANS that don't eat vegetables. They're healthy though! Especially since they don't eat meat and "all those fatty foods" :yawn:
  • Where are you going in Europe? You won't be going to the gym but you will be doing plenty of walking/sightseeing! I used to be obsessed with the number on the scale, not only did it make me miserable as hell, it ruled my mood/social life. I came across this post online which really resonated and inspired me to FINALLY give…
  • Hey! I followed you (hayleykate_x) I don't post food that often, but I do love being inspired by fellow paleo instagrammers ;)
  • When I make green smoothies it will always includes a cup of coconut milk, a wedge each of lemon & lime, 3 cm fresh root ginger and 1/4 frozen avocado/banana. Then I add my greens - usually spinach, lettuce, celery, cucumber etc. I prefer a small sized thick smoothie so I can skull it ;-)
  • It wasn't the first time I've experienced this type of behavior from these two colleagues. One would often shout at the top of his voice, “Every time I look at you, you’re eating! You want to be careful – it’s starting to show!” or “I think you better cut down, your clothes are getting tighter” and they’d both giggle.…
  • Absolutely agree ^ I have always been very open with my work colleagues about the food I'm trying to avoid if offered treats etc. Going back a few years, after politely refusing birthday cakes, donuts & sweets (on more than one occasion) 'certain' colleagues decided the best place to put the office treats for people to…
  • Hello & Welcome! Feel free to add me too :)
  • I don't log my exercise, so I have no idea what I 'eat back' - I take long walks, do low level aerobic activity, some strength training and occasionally sprint. I should have pointed out that I do not restrict my calories, I only log them to keep an eye on my macros. 1400-1500 isn't my calorie goal but the amount of…
  • I'm also 4ft11 :) I used to think I could ONLY have 1200 calories a day back when I thought low-calorie/low-fat was the only way to lose weight. I felt restricted and hangry all the time. Now I eat around 1400-1500 calories a day (give or take a few hundred) and all of those calories come from whole foods. I eat:…
  • You're right, I haven't got a considerable amount of weight to lose and I want to lose fat NOT muscle. I'll give intuitive eating a try and log my food after all my meals.
  • Oh for sure! My favourite combination is blueberries or blackberries with a HUUUUUUUUUGE dollop of Devonshire clotted cream. Not sure if you can get anything similar out of the UK, but if you can get hold of it, you have to try it! If not, heavy whipping cream is just as yummy. As long as the berries are ripe, you will not…
  • Hi Maria When I first dipped my toe in to the Paleo lifestyle a few years back, I was ALL ABOUT the Paleo-friendly desserts! There are many delicious recipes out there! The coconut flour banana bread and chocolate almond meal cookies were my FAVES and I began consuming far too much of them EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. For me, eating…
  • Thanks all! Akima - I certainly don't want to slow down my metabolism! Perhaps I will increase my daily in take with a few tablespoons of Coconut Manna, that will bump up the calories. I have been losing on average of 1lb a week (although it doesn't show on here because I started on MFP at a lower weight than I am now)
  • I'm a huge beer-fan too! I don't drink alcohol often, nor do I drink more than 2 drinks at any one time (my body can't handle it) but I do enjoy a beer every now and again. My favourite beer is an organic & gluten free beer called Daas Blonde which is 2grams of carbs per bottle. Tastes clean & doesn't give me a tummy ache…
  • I don't agree that everyone should agree with everyone's choice of diet/lifestyle. Some people aren't going to agree with the Paleo/Primal way and that's absolutely fine, but when they go beyond constructive criticism and ridicule other people it's a sure sign of their own insecurities. There is no point engaging with this…
    in Why? Comment by smallpalehuman June 2014
  • Glad you liked it! I always have one when my BF is making pancakes on a Saturday morning :)
  • 3 eggs beaten with vanilla and cinnamon, topped with sauteed berries and a teeny drizzle of maple :tongue:
  • AGREED! I'm guilty of using artificial sweeteners in the past, even though I KNEW it was NOT healthy nor Primal. I would convince myself it's okay and make excuses "it's only a little bit and it means I can keep under my carb/sugar goal!" I changed my attitude and removed sugar substitutes from my diet completely (they…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss journey so far! You should feel extremely proud of what you have achieved and will continue to achieve (including yoga!) I'm sorry to hear someone is making negative remarks at what is a clearly positive lifestyle change for you. It's especially hard when that person is a "friend" First…
  • I'll add you too! I went Paleo back in 2012, for a while it was the best I've ever felt. Then I let myself slip in to eating junk & processed foods, before I knew it I was back to feeling sluggish and gained 20lb. I'm just getting back on track with the Paleo lifestyle...
  • Unfortunately there will always be people in our lives that cannot put their own demons aside to be happy for other people. This is difficult to comprehend as you wouldn't DREAM of giving anything other than love & support to your family & friends achievements or goals. The important thing to remember here is their…
  • I work in a big corporate office & it's not uncommon to see people slipping their shoes off & going for a wander around the office. It don't personally take my shoes off , but it certainly doesn't bother me when I see other people do it. What's the worst that can happen? I stand in my shoes where someone has stood with…