coltsgirl311 Member


  • I found out that the coach at my gym is a "Level 2" certified coach, plus they are letting us try one class for free, so I might check it out, but I agree, I don't really like the group/competitive aspect of it.
  • I do 2x per week because I am focusing more on running also. I like doing it that way, but I do sometimes throw in a 3rd day in a week just so that I'm not always doing Workout A on Tuesday and Workout B on Thursday. I think that's just personal preference though, not a necessity.
  • Thanks to all of you for your input! I have not seen the set up for the classes yet; a sign just kind of showed up at the gym this week, lol. the classes are expensive too; $75/month if you do 3x per week or they have punchcards for ~$8/session. I have a couple of Facebook friends who do crossfit and it sounds kind of…
  • You ladies all kick *kitten*! :smiley: I was so tempted to stay in bed instead of going to the gym this morning, but I was already packed and ready to go, so I went. I'm coming down with a cold but I have found that I get way less severe illnesses since I started working out regularly, so I'm hoping continuing with my…
  • I was on Workout A today: Squats, 5x5@125 lbs. These were really tough, but I did get all 25 reps with decent form. I am repeating here next time at the very least, but it felt good to get up to this weight. Bench, 5x5@70 lbs. I barely got the last rep of the 5th set up, so I recorded it as a fail so I will repeat here…
  • You ladies are all awesome! Well said.
  • Aaaaahh, my cats do that too! I never thought of that as a potential reason, but you are probably on to something! :smiley:
  • LOL!! That is absolutely appropriate. My cats do all of those things (I have 3). Lucky I've lived this long probably!
  • I almost didn't make it to the gym this morning because my cat almost killed me trying to make me fall down the stairs this morning, lol. I did make it, and it was Workout B: Squats, 5x5@120 lbs. I repeated here and they were still tough, but I reduced my warmup sets a bit to keep a little more in the tank for working…
  • Hey ladies! Looks like everyone is kicking *kitten*! You all rock! :smiley: I am on a Tuesday/Thursday schedule this week instead of my previous Wed/Fri schedule to work around my running days. Workout A today. Squats, 5x5@120 lbs. I finally moved up from 115 lbs after staying there for 3 sessions, and it was tough but I…
  • Workout B today: Squats, 5x5@115 lbs. This is my 3rd time at this weight and I decided to use the weight belt to help stabilize my back a bit. They were still difficult, but I felt a bit stronger with this weight. I think I will try 120 lbs next time and again will plan to use the belt. OHP, 4x5, 1x4@55 lbs. I cannot seem…
  • Whew! Finally back at the gym after a week off from lifting. Workout A today: Squats, 5x5@115 lbs. This was a repeat of last Wednesday's weight, felt ok considering the small break I took. Bench, 5x5@65 lbs. These were tough but got them done. I'll probably try for 70 lbs next time. Rows, 5x5@65 lbs. I deloaded a bit on…
  • Happy April Fools Day! :wink: I was on Workout B today: Squats, 5x5@115 lbs. These were quite tough, even with 3 minutes rest in between sets. As per my usual, I will repeat here on Friday before trying to move up. OHP, 5x5@55 lbs. The last rep of the 5th set was questionable, but I went ahead and counted it. I will still…
  • Workout A today: Squats, 5x5@110 lbs. I rested 2+ minutes in between, and they were tough, but doable. I am going to try 115 lbs next week, and will plan to take the full 3 minutes in between. Bench, 5x5@65 lbs. The last few reps got tough, but I think 70 lbs next workout is doable. Rows, 5x5@75 lbs. The fifth rep on my…
  • I was so close to skipping the gym this morning, but my willpower won in the end. :smiley: Workout B: Squats, 5x5@110 lbs. I used one of the lifting belts to increase stability of my back and it helped a lot. These felt pretty good but I am still going to repeat the weight on Friday. I am liking my current system of only…
  • Had another pretty good workout today, good start to my Friday! Workout A: Squats: 5x5@105 lbs. I repeated here to make sure form is OK and felt pretty good again. I will try 110 lbs next time. Bench: 5x5@60 lbs. These were sort of tough, but got 5x5 without issue. I will go to 65 lbs next time. Rows: 5x5@70 lbs. These are…
  • I have had a heck of a time moving up on lifts! I was up to 135 on squats at one point, but my form was crap, so I made myself deload and work on form, and it has been slow going getting back up in weight. However, I do not want to hurt myself, and so I try not to beat myself up when I need to stay on the same weight for…
  • I was on Workout B today. Squats, 5x5@105 lbs. I had been struggling with 95 and 100 over the past few weeks, but tried 105 lbs today, and they actually felt pretty good! I think I will repeat 105 on Friday to not push myself too fast. OHP, 5x5@55 lbs. These were, not exactly easy, but felt pretty good! I did a 6th rep on…
  • Pretty empty at the gym this morning, it was nice. Workout A Squats, 5x5@100 lbs. Tough but a lot better than I felt on Wednesday at 95 lbs, so that's a win in my book. Bench, 5x5@60 lbs. These were ok. I will move up next time. Rows, 5x5@65 lbs. First set felt tough, but got easier after that. I will attempt 70 lbs next…
  • I feel like I haven't been to the gym forever! My recent schedule has been: Monday rest, Tuesday/Thursday lift + some cardio, Wednesday/Friday/Saturday and/or Sunday run days. I had to go out of town for work yesterday, so I pushed my lifting to this morning and Friday this week. Workout B: Squats, 5x5@95 lbs. I was…
  • Good morning to all! I was on Workout A this morning. Squats: 5x5@100 lbs. These sucked today. I don't think I hit parallel and had some back pain. Next time I think I need to use a belt for additional back support. Bench: 5x5@60 lbs. I tried a set at 65 but it was pretty rough and I didn't have a spotter or feel like…
  • Ahhh, first workout of March... :smile: Workout A: Squats: 5x5@100 lbs. These were really tough, even after resting 2+ minutes in between sets. I think I'll stay at the weight and rest the full 3 minutes next time. OHP: 5x5@50 lbs. For some reason my 5x5 app is not increasing my lifts properly, even though I know I did 45…
  • Workout A: Squats, 5x5@95 lbs. I'm going to move up to 100 lbs next time. Bench, 5x5@55 lbs. Felt really easy, so no qualms about moving up to 60 lbs. Rows, 5x5@60 lbs. These felt tough today, even though I usually don't have issues with rows until I get over 70 lbs. Maybe just a bad day for them. Accessory: RDLs 3x10@60…
  • Workout B today: Squats: 5x5@95 lbs OHP: 5x5@45 lbs Deadlift: 2x5@ 105 lbs Accessory: Good mornings, 3x10@45 lbs Cardio: 45 minutes on the treadmill
  • I so did not want to get out of bed at 4:15 this morning, knowing that it was -25 outside with the wind, but I just rolled out of bed when my alarm went off so I couldn't punk out. Workout A today. Squats: 5x5@90 lbs, a repeat weight due to some DOMS from Tuesday. Bench: 5x5@60 lbs. This was a deload due to my break, and…
  • Who all is signed up for the virtual race in April?
  • I'm back to the gym after taking a full week off to make sure an ankle injury fully healed. The injury recovery was really more related to my running, but I had been thinking about taking a week off for some time to give my body a break. I am glad to be back at it! Workout B today, deloaded due to the break I took. Squats:…
  • I forgot to check in yesterday, so I am adding it today. Workout A Squats 5x5@100 lbs Bench 5/5/5/5/4 @70 lbs. Second time failing at this weight :-\ Rows 5x5@ 70 lbs RDLs 3x10@70 lbs Elliptical 45 minutes I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Today was my first February workout. I had planned to go on Sunday morning, but we got walloped with 15+ inches of snow Saturday night and Sunday, so that didn't happen. I did do quite a bit of shoveling Sunday and yesterday though, so that was a workout in itself! :smiley: I was sore today from all the shoveling, so I…
  • Favor carbs on lift day? I guess I better make every day a lifting day! :wink: