thetwentysomethingmum Member


  • Aarrgghh I have a lady at my local grocery store that always comments on how much weight I have lost since havibg my son 2 yesrs ago!!! And it is embarrassing because she says it infront of strangers. But as well I think these days our western population is alot larger than ever so when we see someone that i s healthy they…
  • That'll be right, I just found out that I am an endomorph body type. What gave it away , lets see, the facts of gain fat -easy lose fat -difficult. Now I know I am fighting an up hill battle to get the sofia vegara body! Aarrggghhh
  • Hey I think most us can say we have been there! Dont stress you look like you are in your healthy weight range. My suggestion would be 1. Make sure you eat - dont skip meals because then 3you will be hungry and may end up choosing a baD option over a good one. 2. Focus your excerise on toning up - because you look to be…
  • Hello everyone I just finished pure cardio. I swapped recovery for cardio and ill do recovery tomorrow. When I woke this morning I wasnt feeling very sore so I was a bit concerned that I hadnt pushed enough in yesterdays training and my clean eating went slightly dirty after making cupcakes with the kiddies. I am on day 4…
  • Hi I am on day 4 of insanity and I love it. I am pretty unfit and cannot complete each and every exercise but I make sure I eat clean. I am not following the insanity diet because I have a hubby and 2 kids and I already have to make seperate meals for them which is a pain but breaky for me is usually 2 poached eggs and a…