8 months of trying...fail...depressed, need help



  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I am Nikita from India aged 25.
    I've been trying to lose weight since last 1 year...joined a gym, tried to track calories by making charts on excel and even tried all diets. But with fail. I lose 2 kgs and again get back to eating, gaining back what i had lost.

    My job is very stressful and hence, i do a lot of emotional eating too. Sometimes, i feel i am never full (hungry all the time) :'(

    Today, i just want to give up...my arms, stomach, waist...everything feels so heavy and yet i feel drawn to food...it's my support system and i feel i cant do without it :'(

    is anyone out there facing the same thing? Does anyone have any tips, advice to break this chain... I've cried a lot thinking i wont ever eat again and then i get back to it...

    Please help....thanks...

    1) accept that you're not perfect and you are going to fail some days and eat more food than you want.
    2) don't get upset when 1) happens
    3) replace the emotional eating with emotional "working out". many people discover that exercise fills the hole in them they were previously filling with eating.
    4) don't deprive yourself of food. it never works and leads to binging later. if you really, really want something, then eat it and adjust the rest of your food for the day (or the next two days) to accommodate it.
  • I agree with others! First of all, you are already beautiful! Don't despair so much! Next, do up your calories a bit by calculating your TDEE -20%. I THINK that you will feel less likely to eat junk food when you increase your calories and eat more protein rich foods (meat, nuts, greek yogurt...). Try to eat throughout the whole day. I am still new to this myself and I feel like "giving up" when the scale doesn't move the way I want it to, but I trust MFP and those who have experience. :) If you have a gym membership, attend the classes and don't be shy! You are there for YOU, don't feel judged by anyone! Just be patient and don't worry! Good luck!

    The problem is I am vegetarian (lots of Indians are vegetarians through their family). now, even after trying chicken, fish, etc i dont like the taste as it never developed. So for proteins, I eat lentils, milk and yoghurt (but again, well the taste). Now I have decided not to go for taste and focus more on health. Fingers crossed! Thanks a ton for your support!
  • I agree with Connie! 1100 isn't enough! On days that you exercise you need to fuel your body up so it has the energy for the workouts. 1500-1600 is what my trainer had me on. Try seeing if certain foods affect your body...I know for me the minute I eat pasta, potatoes, or bread...i gain! Some people...dairy affects them. Aim for a balance of carbs, protein, and fats. If you reduce any of those too much, the minute you go back on them...you will gain. Don't give up! You can do this!!!

    Thanks a ton! :)
  • Hey I think most us can say we have been there! Dont stress you look like you are in your healthy weight range. My suggestion would be 1. Make sure you eat - dont skip meals because then 3you will be hungry and may end up choosing a baD option over a good one. 2. Focus your excerise on toning up - because you look to be slim work on toning up and that muscle that you build will give your metabolism a kick up the backside. 3. Focus on the great things your body does for you - I understand that this can be tricky when you feel down in the dumps but try and stay positive. Good luck hope you have a happier day tomorrow.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I feel so much better... Going to sleep with a positive mind...
    Tomorrow will be a new day :)

    I think you already look great and just have beautiful features!
    Do you go to gym?

    Or maybe you should do some dancing. I've danced Arabic and Indian dances for 15 years and it always kept me in perfect shape (until I moved to the USA and got all stressed out, stopped dancing too).

    Don't stress out much and don't hurt yourself with worries. You do look very beautiful in that picture. And believe me I'm tough on compliments.