

  • Are you guys doing front or rear OHP? I started with front and got up to 140lbs before stalling but had quite a bit of shoulder discomfort (like something was pinched or pulled). Now I do rear OHP because it feels better on my shoulder and I'm up to 110 (or maybe 115) so far without a stall...and trust me, rears are more…
  • I don't think it's a question of whether you choose to use a barbell or dumbbells as long as you're tracking your progress and attempting to increase the weight, which is the basis for the SL program. I think it's just easier for people to have a barbell and various plates vs dumbbells in varying weights. Just remember…
  • I just went back down on barbell row to 95lbs and am more sore now than I was at 140+ oddly enough. I feel as though I have more control over the weight using 95 and not "jerking" the weight up like I was with the heavier weights. Squatted 245 this week which is a new personal best. It actually wasn't as difficult as I…
  • Maybe the way you're gripping the bar? Try using different thumb placement...over vs under or vice versa depending on what you're using right now. Also try varying grip width and see if that helps. Are you doing in front of the head or behind the head OHP? I was doing in front of the head and finally stalled at 140 but had…
  • Ahh so after lifting for almost a year, Cajuntankon had moved on to doing some Madcow stuff. How long were you doing the straight SL5x5 program before moving on to Madcow? It's important to emphasize that Madcow is for intermediate lifters, once the gains of doing SL5x5 have slowed to a crawl or ceased altogether. It's not…
  • You are all welcome for the info and write up of my experience so far. If anyone has any questions regarding MY EXPERIENCE with the program so far, please don't hesitate to ask. Sadly, I have yet to make it to the gym so far this week, but I'll be back in there for sure on Thursday. I'm curious as to what weights others…
  • Improper form is prob to blame...depending on the weight. As stated in previous post, approach and lift like a squatting silly as that sounds. Keep the *kitten* low and drive with the legs, not lift with the back.
  • Deadlift seems to look more like a straight leg deadlift vs a conventional deadlift. Keep your *kitten* low and drive with your legs, not lift with your back. As stated in a previous post, approach and lift like a silly as that sounds. With the OHP, as weight goes up, you're prob going to be a bit wobbly. Just…
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