ESorokes015 Member


  • Personally, I think you should just have one. For me, if I am craving something I just have a small portion of what I want because otherwise I keep eating this and that until I eventually eat what I wanted all along. I've come to realize that I eat a lot more calories in the long run if I try to avoid cravings too bad!
  • Shin splints are caused by overextending the heel, or they also happen if you work out a lot when you have been sedentary lately (like if you workout after not doing anything for a month). However, you seem like you have been being active. Perhaps you ran or walked on uneven surfaces that caused your shin muscles to…
  • I did the classic P90X but honestly, I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be. I did get stronger, but I didn't lose as much weight as I wanted to. Personally I feel that if you need to lose a lot of weight, you should do pilates or a different cardio workout. P90X is great for getting ripped but not necessarily a…
  • Certain types of liquor are only about 60 calories a shot. When mixed with diet soda, you can have a few cocktails for only a couple hundred calories!