I really want a pop!!

skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
So I haven't had a pop/soda in 45 days and I've never had a craving for one until now but the last couple days all I want is a pop. Diet, Caffine Free, regular I don't care. What are some tips or options to curb the craving for pop?


  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I say just have a sip or two......when I have cravings sometimes all it takes is just a bite or a drink. I always order water with lemon at restaurants but of course my husband always gets pop. I will take a drink and that will satisfy my craving.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    Apple juice works for me. Still a bit high in sugar, but certainly much better for you than a soda.
  • I've been trying to drink green tea instead of diet soda, seems to help a little.
  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    Sparkling water with lemon or lime
  • Maybe you should have one.

    Because if you're living a life without enjoying foods that you enjoy, you are more likely to binge.

    But in general, the sugar and acid in soda is really bad for you. And artificial sweetners(nutriesweet, splenda) are also really bad for you.

    I guess you should just see soda as dirty water with nothing good in it.

    I recently watched a video that somebody else posted stating how bad high fructose corn syrup is for you. NEVER WANT SODA EVER AGAIN. And I'm an avid soda drinker.

    Basically high fructose corn syrup does the same harm to your liver as alcohol does. And the average american consumes 140lbs of sugar and high fructose corn syrup a year.

    Watch the video. Educate yourself.
  • EASY.. don't curb the craving...! Deny a craving and you're a step closer to a BINGE.

    I haven't drank Pop since NY.

    Here's what I do - I have 3 huge glasses of water first... then I have my Pop.

    After all that water - the most I can drink and fit in my stomach is 3 sips from a can, and I'm DONE! :)

    Good Luck!
  • MeganMac17
    MeganMac17 Posts: 90 Member
    Try seltzer water. I drink it when I get bored with normal water. Since it's carbonated, it's kind of like pop. I was at Trader Joe's the other day, and they had raspberry flavored seltzer, which was delicious. Plus, it's all natural and zero calories!
  • maybe a san pellegrino might help? The water one..?
  • trackgirl_08
    trackgirl_08 Posts: 20 Member
    I will go for a sparkling water (usually orange since I crave orange soda sometimes) and that really helps me get over the soda craving. Not to mention no extra calories or sugar added :wink:
  • Coke Zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  • I haven't had soda/sweet tea in 51 days either. Just think how far you have come and if you can go 45 days...you can go 46 days & 47 days etc. I say stay away from having a sip or two...i personally think that will just make you want to have more. Good luck! feel free to add me as a friend since we have a similar goal :)
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Allow yourself to have a soda. Ration your calories and allow yourself to have a can. Just make sure it is the soda you are actually craving. You don't want to drink a Sprite and then realize you would have rather had a Pepsi. One soda every 40+ days is totally awesome!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I had funfetti cake tonight.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I really love the "throwback pepsi" products they have out right now (real sugar, no HFCS), but, I can't even drink half a can. I say, drink a soda. Don't even go diet. Just drink one of your fave. I am not a fan of restrictive diets. You have been craving a soda for a few days now. Don't cause yourself to binge. Just have one.
  • ESorokes015
    ESorokes015 Posts: 6 Member
    Personally, I think you should just have one. For me, if I am craving something I just have a small portion of what I want because otherwise I keep eating this and that until I eventually eat what I wanted all along. I've come to realize that I eat a lot more calories in the long run if I try to avoid cravings too bad!
  • I've found that drinking pop helps with the pop cravings. I think one every 45 days is more than acceptable.
  • Maybe you should have one.

    Because if you're living a life without enjoying foods that you enjoy, you are more likely to binge.

    But in general, the sugar and acid in soda is really bad for you. And artificial sweetners(nutriesweet, splenda) are also really bad for you.

    I guess you should just see soda as dirty water with nothing good in it.

    I recently watched a video that somebody else posted stating how bad high fructose corn syrup is for you. NEVER WANT SODA EVER AGAIN. And I'm an avid soda drinker.

    Basically high fructose corn syrup does the same harm to your liver as alcohol does. And the average american consumes 140lbs of sugar and high fructose corn syrup a year.

    Watch the video. Educate yourself.

    If it's just as bad for you as alcohol then it couldn't be too bad. I mean...most people drink alcohol at least semi-regularly.

    Also the acid in soda is not nearly as strong as the acid in your own stomach. It ain't hurting a fly.

    You can talk about artificial sweeteners all you want, possible cancer causing agents, etc. but the arguments you made here aren't stopping me from drinking, lol.
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I used to drink 2 or 3 bottles of diet Pepsi a day, the bigger 24 oz bottles. Now when I want a pop, I have one. Maybe once a week or less. I have found though, that I can not finish the whole thing (20 oz bottle now). I just feel bloated. Plus, they taste funny now too.
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    Thank you all!!! I think I might so get a Dr. Pepper on lunch. I know I wont like it and wont drink it all but maybe that is what I need. To atleast taste it and then I will know.
  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    When I crave soda I have an Italian vanilla cream soda. Its tonic water (or sparkling water) with vanilla and cream. It has the bubbly and sugar. I have two cups of coffee a day so I dont crave the caffeine. It helps. If it gets really bad I'll give in to a Pepsi (my fav). Just one can though. Usually afterwards I remember why I quit drinking it. Sugar rush with a nasty headache. Good Luck.
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