danieltkeller Member


  • Yep. 3 years now. Levothyroxine for the win. I could use some group help if anyone is willing to add.
  • BING! This is more true than we will ever give credit. Someone who loves you for how you look...doesn't love you. As others have said, be proud of your accomplishments and what it means for the care you are taking of you! With that pride will eventually come confidence. And as I have had to learn through much heartache:…
  • Hi all. I have been on and off this site a lot over the years. But now, after a really difficult year, I am starting over. I a LOT of ways. Any motivation or encouragement I can get would be very much appreciated. Much love to you all.
  • I would date anyone I found attractive. I have found several people of several body types attractive. It matters to me that we are compatible. Intellect far outweighs body type. Someone with extra pounds can lift you up while someone with 5% body fat can bring you down. To say that you wouldn't date someone because of…
  • Keeping the weight off is ten times harder than losing it because you are fighting time and nature (as we age it gets harder). Plateaus happen and setbacks happen. But it is how you address it that makes it worthwhile. This is the 2nd time in my life I have faced losing 100 lbs. The 1st time was followed by an immensely…