

  • A friend of mine, who is a trainer, said that its personal preference but if you do eat before working out, it should be something lite and easy for the body to absorb - like fruit, or OJ, or yogurt. And then after have a protein shake or scrambled egg whites or an egg white omlette.
  • I usually do as well. I had a friend tell me that her doctor told her that up to 5 was normal.
  • I make a big deal over the little things....adding more weight to my exercises, jogging another minute on the treadmill, loosing - doesn't matter if its only .2 of a pound or 2 pounds. I make sure to share them with the people who will help me make them a big deal - husband, family (even your kids) and friends. I know you…
  • I usually go to the gym in the mornings, so when I get home I try to have something that has a little protein. I have 2 pieces of toast with light peanut butter and a yogurt(I have the portioned containers). Then for my morning snack I have some fruit. A banana, an apple or whatever.