DGuar635 Member


  • Hi ladies!! I am two months postpartum and trying to loose this baby weight! I have 22 lbs to loose and would love a support group like you all! I am exclusively breast feeding so I am trying to make sure I dont cut too many calories and effect my supply. Hope we all can encourage each other , share recipes etc!
  • Hi! I am in the same boat as you! I have half of my pregnancy weight left to loose 22 lbs to get back to my pre pregnancy weight. Starting back up on MFP today At 2 months pp. I put my goal to loose .5 lbs a week so that I don’t cut too many calories. Also trying to be realistic with workouts because with a 2 month old and…
  • I am right there with you girl! I used this site religiously and lost 20lbs a year and a half ago. As soon as I stopped logging everything and let little things take over my work out time, I have put it back on. I am taking back control and have promised to myself to get back on here and get back in shape! I would love to…