Any breastfeeding moms out there please add me to your friends!

Hi guys,

I need help staying on track, need help with motivation. I have a 5 week old baby boy, I exclusively pump feeding him and literally have no time for anything but I have been on MFP for years and decided it’s time to lose this stupid weight. Please add me, let’s motivate each other!

And my baby just woke up so I have to go. Lol. You know how it goes.


  • kyliebertino
    kyliebertino Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I have a nearly 4 month old and mix feeding. Also sick of this xtra weight. Not moved by BF’ing and also have no time so totally understand what you mean. I need help staying on track too. Just. Can’t. Stop. Over eating.
  • monietrojan
    monietrojan Posts: 45 Member
    I have one almost 5 months and exclusively breastfeeding also. Add me as a friend
  • tkmotivation
    tkmotivation Posts: 19 Member
    I’ll add you! My babe is 10 months. My clothes either don’t fit or feel and look like crap. I stepped on the scale and I’m up 20 Lbs prepregnancy. I was scared of losing my milk supply so I waited before getting serious. She’s 6 weeks away from turning one, so I’m not super concerned about my supply anymore.

    Let’s do this!!
  • evansdesiree4
    evansdesiree4 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my little girl is 8 months and I had same concern with milk supply, since she is predominantly BF still. Wanna lose the belly, etc... and get out of my maternity jeans! lol add me too
  • ericalcourt194
    ericalcourt194 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey ladies! I have a 7 month old and we do a big combo of formula, nursing, and pumping (I work full time). Right now I weigh exactly what I did when coming home from the hospital. Very few of my clothes fit me and I'm very insecure about my body. It's time to get to a weight that I feel comfortable with. Any help would be appreciated!
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    I'm a breastfeeding mom to a 20 month old who hasn't yet weaned. I do hope she does by her approaching 2nd Birthday. Lol I had lost nearly 100 pounds since I had her, but gained 15 back when I started nursing school.
  • lmflaugher
    lmflaugher Posts: 2 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my second child who is eight months old. I need some motivation to just stop overeating! I hope to lose some weight, but really want to make better choices and not feel so tired and down on myself. So glad I found this app!
  • delachaise
    delachaise Posts: 7 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm breastfeeding my second child who is 8 months old, big brother just turned 4. I have lost lots of weight 3 years ago, 25kg / 55lb, after deciding on his 1st birthday that I couldn't keep on going like this. I don't want to wait as long as that with my second child, so I have started tracking my food again since September. So far i have lost 11kg, would love to lose another 11kg to fit into my pants again ;)

    I need a boost after that cheeky december.... and I feel that exchanging with ladies who sit in the same boat as me will just do that!
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Hey! My baby is 5 weeks old also and I'm also breast feeding her!! Yay baby friends! Xx
  • Banana_Cats
    Banana_Cats Posts: 8 Member
    I have a 6 week old and im having the same issues. Congrats everyone on your little bundles of joy! Feel free to add me anyone!
  • HealthyDr
    HealthyDr Posts: 12 Member
    Breastfeeding my 7 month old. First baby. We've had issues with low supply but I need to start trying to eat a little more healthy no matter what. Anyone can add me :)
  • jasminelampley94
    jasminelampley94 Posts: 6 Member
    I’m breastfeeding as well :smile:
  • MrsCox2012
    MrsCox2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too, I’m one of the few people I know who are and I have no idea how to account for it on here
  • DGuar635
    DGuar635 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies!! I am two months postpartum and trying to loose this baby weight! I have 22 lbs to loose and would love a support group like you all! I am exclusively breast feeding so I am trying to make sure I dont cut too many calories and effect my supply. Hope we all can encourage each other , share recipes etc!
  • deevo
    deevo Posts: 276 Member
    Hi. I am A first-time mom who is also breast-feeding, pumping, working full-time and ready to try to lose some weight. My daughter is 3 1/2 months old and I have about 30 pounds I want to lose to get back to my weight before pregnancy. Please add me, I would love some support and would love to support others. I am also interested in trying to figure out what I should use so that my supply doesn’t Dip low. I’ve had to deal with low supply before and struggle to make what I can to feed my daughter. Many of my lactation recipes are high in calories, but I don’t feel like I can give them up right now.
  • klerkskc
    klerkskc Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a first time mom and I BF. My little guy is 8 months now and gearing up to start walking so it's definitely time to lose the extra weight so I can keep up with him. I've dealt with low supply issues a few months ago but that was more linked to stress from working than diet so I'm not too worried about dropping again. Feel free to add me, I need the accountability! And good luck to all of you with your health goals and little ones :smile:
  • delachaise
    delachaise Posts: 7 Member
    Hello again, in your diary you can enter breastfeeding as a food (just enter breastfeeding in your search as if you were looking for any other ingredients) and it will put the negative calories in your diary! The first time I read about it in another post I actually thought the poster was joking, but it's true :smiley:

    As my little one is already 8 months old and has started on solids, I'm using the 250kcal for breastfeeding, but for those who still have younger babies, I'd definitely use a higher deficit than that!