

  • Hello, I'm a 36 years old chap from England with a history of weight gain & rapid loss. Between Jan 2009 and October same year I came down from 308lbs (44 inch waist) to 182lbs (32 inch waist) through sheer hard exersie and diet. I've held at the 182lbs (plus or minus 2lb) since October (I would normally have gained back…
  • These things always make me smile when I see them. Can I just say that if you got up one day next week feeling rough, and fell out of the house in the morning without brushing your teeth or showering, you'd then say to yourself "Well, I've done it today so I'll keep on doing it". No, I don't think you would. So just think…
  • Do it or don't, if you have made your mind up then nothing said on here will change it for you. All I can say is that I have concluded my own over eating and general sedantry lifestyle before was entirely my own fault, nothing to do with society or my upbringing or any other vague excuse, and it has taken all my resolve…
  • I'm no medical man, but I understand that sweating (or perspiring for those people who don't describe themselves as 'Gushing') is simply the bodies reaction to core temperature rise, that turns the entire surface area of your body into a heat sink, allowing the heat to evaporate away with the moisture. For the lady's out…
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