Lady-Bane - Megan
potato chips
Fantastic! You look great :)
You can add me. I'm 44 and will be 45 in September :)
I would like to be 175 in 3 months. A year from now I expect to be back to my pre injury weight :smile:
Hi, I'm 44 with a birthday coming on September 24th :smile: I think you do look amazing! Single mother of two and that beautiful smile on your face. You have all ready made it! I have four biological children and seven in total that I call my own. They bring me joy (okay, sometimes they bring me other things :wink: They…
You are awesome! I used to be 300+ as well. I think you are amazing. Enjoy the journey and cherish the rewards!
You look great :smile:
I need help with pictures too :smile: which should be apparent from the fact that mine is on its side... Funny thing is that it kind of works, as all of my weight loss efforts to date have gone sideways :tongue: I think I'll stick with it for the time being. It kind of amuses me. I wish you luck getting your pictures in…
I think my story is like many. I reached my goal weight. I got down to 142 and then I blew out my back at work. Got laid up and took to eating. Gained some weight. Went back to work at 165lbs. Started to feel sick and exhausted all the time, got more and more tired ended up in the hospital thinking I was having a heart…