MaDwItNeWfLaVa Member


  • good job girlss :)
  • by the way that was for scottaworley
  • Just trying to give her help , you dont have to be an *kitten*. And the article actually has some good tips in it ..
  • Green Tea! Here's an article you might like....
  • I feel ya, ive seen some great results, but im glad its finally almost over so i can try a new videos-or buy a few different ones and mix it up through the week! Before this video i felt so week and felt like i couldn't work out at all, but now i can do the video and cool off about 5 minutes after, ive really built up my…
  • Who cares about what other people think, if your happy with yourself and have that good self confidence then dont let them put u down. Sounds like they're jealous anyways. You know what they say..people that bully are insecure with themselves, and dont like to see other people happy.
  • I juice all the time , i have the NutriBullet ,here is the best recipe, i use it everyday... *2.5 cups(1 serving) Natures Kale Greens. * 2 cups (1 serving) Organic Baby Spinach. * 1/2 banana. * 1/2 pear. * 2 small or 1 large strawberry. * 1/2 cup pineapple. I know its quite a lot, and Idk what machine you use, like i said…
  • Like chaotisphere said... u shud take measurements instead of looking at the scale..for example this week i lost only half a pound but i lost 2 INCHES! idk about you but i love seeing my stomach shrink instead of seeing my wieght go down and still feeling like i look fat. Take your measurements, DONT GIVE UP!, take your…
  • yeah just buy a water bottle, or take a water bottle that you already have, and measure how much water is in one bottle and drink however many water bottles you can throughout your day so you surely get ur 8 glasses :) * remember one glass= 8 oz, which isnt really that much. You dont need to chug your water , just take…
  • Well congrats on your new journey :) Doing something about it is the first step, all you can do is try your best! And like you said, take your time. It will come off soon as you expect, as long as your dedicated... Good Luck! :))
  • I thought level 3 was pretty hard! But it seemed to go by so fast, maybe cuz the other ones were a little slow pace and boring..
  • Yeah i was really dredding it today but i got through it as usual... and i can do the push ups now also! excited for level 3 :)
  • CONGRATS! for some reason my wieght is slowly going away but my inches are just fading like that! And everyone keeps telling me i look like im loosing lots of weight! JILLIAN MICHAELS YOUR A GODSEND! lol.
  • im sure you've already heard of this but cut up nice big chunks of apples, and spread some peanut butter on them, it taste great and its very healthy! Of corse buy some good peanut butter, like organic and only use about 2 tablespoons of the peanut butter(which equals one serving).... also have you ever heard of veggie…
  • Staying strong over here, dont worry about level 2 ive already moved on to it and its really not that bad, i would actually say level 1 is maybe even harder..
  • Have those days once in awhile dont kill yourself over it...just move on and still stick with it dont give up because you binged :) But yes i do the same thing i always say how gross i feel and how much better i would have felt if i ate something healthy, so its funny you said that.
  • Actually feeling quite good today, not AS sore but still sore, and as the person above me said, i listened to music also and it was over like THAT :)
  • just got done with my workout man it was hard but i feel amazing :)
  • As of this morning= 179 lbs.
  • Yup cant wait!...but one question: Is the only thing you need to start the program weights? You don't need any other special equipment to do the full program right??
  • Yes i would deffinately add more protien, like nuts or eggs that will fill you up.. Or, when you do have these cravings exercise, drink a ice cold glass of water, or eat some brown rice to fill you up, even try to call/hangout with a friend to take your mind off the cravings. Also if your going out to do something try not…