

  • I'm Vegan so I take a few more supplements than most, but daily: Kelp: this aids weight loss and assists healthy thyroid function. s). It is a good source of many essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, iodine, bromine, protein, and Vitamin C and Vitamin B-2. Flaxseed and Evening Primrose Oil: Good fats which…
  • I usually put on 2kgs (over 4lb) during my period, and I get MAJOR food cravings beforehand. Like, I can never feel full two days leading up to my period, so I try to stick to the calorie counter because I know that no matter how much I eat during these two days, I will never be satisfied
  • I take Organic Psyllium Husk in powder form everyday. I put the powder into the equivalent of a gulp of water, and skull it before it gets the chance to expand and turn into a gelatin type drink. I've found it has worked wonders for my digestion system, as well as my skin as fiber is really beneficial for good skin. Give…