If you use a blender or food processor it only takes a couple of minutes (I make a one egg mayo with a a hand blender). Start off adding the oil slowly but you can add more quickly once it's gets going. If you use a hand whisk it can take 15-20 minutes. Vinegar or lemon depends on what I'm using it for. Both are good. I…
The quality of green tea you can buy varies wildly. A good green tea should taste okay. Like someone said don't use boiling water. If you want another taste try steeping ginger, mint or lemon with the tea.
Carbs, Fats, Protein and sugar are measured in grams. Some of the other things like Sodium or Calcium are measured in milligrams.
Next door in Gateshead, looks like we may share the same surname too!! My diary is open. Anyone is welcome to add me x
I don't do it I was just wondering who did. Debaloo if only the body agreed and we could eat freely for a few minutes after 12 lol
Not one! Okay it was tongue in cheek but it'd be nice to get one offer! I'll just have to eat a whole one :-)
Ever tried cooking a whole chicken in your crock? I cut up a carrot to act as a base to take the bird away from the direct heat of the crock. lay a whole chicken upside down on top of the carrots, don't add liquid and let it go on low for about 7/8 hours. Comes out a treat!
I agree with buying a whole chicken. Check the web for video on how to cut it up. 8 portions easily. Any of the tougher bits of meat that require slow cooking are cheap and you can make loads of good things like stew. Veggie soup with any old veggies, just cook 'em, and wizz them up with veggie stock.. Try padding out…
I've been on 1600 for a couple of weeks. Diary is open
swap the morning bran for something like museli don't use the low cal fry spray, just use oil add a bit of butter to veg (good in two ways as it helps absorb fat soluable vitamins), olive oil based dressing to salad banana (try banana, peanut butter and milk smothie) dark chocolate look for calorie dense carbs. Same dry…
OP you'll loose weight by eating at a calorie deficit. Reducing the amount of carbs is one way to go. Things like white pasta in my opinion are pretty calorie dense. 100g of dried spagetti (a regular portion for me) is approximately 371 Kcal, 100g egg noodles 350 Kcal . 100g of potato is approx 77 Kcal (I had 7 baby new…
I think that when cutting an apple in half and leaving it out the limiting factor in it's rate of oxidation is the concentration of the enzyme polyphenol oxidase. Different varieties have different amounts. You can also affect the rate of oxidation with extremes of pH, temperature or by reducing the amount of oxygen…
You can eat the skin. I'd imagine there is a calorie difference because the layer just under the skin is fatty, good omega 3 but still fat so adds calories. Also be aware of PCB and the rest as the skin has a higher concentration
and the whole menu from this place. They had bacon and egg ice cream when I went. Still got the snail porridge
Drank a bottle of Chinese rice wine that had two dead lizards in it. Half way through the bottle started to get cocky and shake the bottle which caused little bits of Lizard to fall off and float in the drink. Tasted pretty good and apparently it put lead in the pencil!
just stewed or baked with a little sweetener and serve with low cal custard. 1 spoon sweetener per stick. Roasted with some sweeetner it's also good as a side for oily fish. 15 min in the oven 400F/200c until it's just soft to the point of a knife
He's a chef in the UK and you can get it at his restaurant. The end of the set menu was a bowl of Heston cornflakes (which come in a little box) which are made of parsnip and come with parsnip milk, weird but nice, then a sweet fry up which includes bacon and egg ice cream made to look like scrambled eggs, a rasher of…
Eating too few calories you will loose weight ( think of starving people or POWs) but you're metabolism will be affected. Basically the body will loose muscle first as that has the biggest energy requirement. ~This will slow weight loss. Eventually the body will use the fat it has stored. When dieting to loose weight it's…
Wouldn't have happened if you had dog breath!!
Do you have type one or 2? the UK Diabetic association advise people with type 2 to to eat a healthy balanced diet diet high in starchy carbohydrates !1/3 of what you eat), plenty of vegs and fruit, some proteins and fats. It also advises to limit foods high in sugar and high in fat. This is generally considered a healthy…
Carbs are saccharides (sugars). Eat sugar and you'll die. Everyone on MFP knows that. Plus I've heard some people find dog breath really attractive.
At first look that seems contradictory but I guess by eating wholegrains you'll feel fuller this limit the number of carbs you eat. Also grains like quinoa are lower in carbs can replace rice. In the UK the diabetes website tells you to eat more starchy carbohydrate foods??. It also tells you to avoid foods high in sugar…
pluckabee you make some excellent point and I guess it highlights some of the inherent problems of relying on scientific consensus and the problems faced of epidemiology. Lets hope to use a well worn phrase, "by standing on the shoulders of giants" today's researchers can come up with a deeper understanding of the effects…
What's your calorie deficit and weekly weight loss target? If you are eating a 300 cal deficit and loosing 1 pound a week you could eat an extra 600 cals daily and only gain a pound. Is that the of the world? Throw in the exercise and you're laughing. Youy may come back and be holding a little water which will through the…
I'm English of course I drink tea! My normal go to is Clipper organic tea. with skimmed milk. It's won awards for taste and uses unbleached tea bags. I also like Gunpowder tea which is a rolled green tea. Great with mint leaves and a spoon of sugar but you can drink it straight. I'm a fan of Earl Grey with a slice of…
My mum "you're fat, you need to loose at least 15lbs" My dad "Yeah get of your fat *kitten* and do some exercise"
Have a search for fruits and sugars. There are lots of posts about it and many different opinions. For what it's worth I count whole fruit sugars as carbs and ignore it if I go over my sugar macros.
Hahaha I'm going to nosh some cherries just for that. Keep the little guys happy!!
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with this. 1) Eating sugar does not cause diabetes. Being overweight is a risk factor and yes eating foods with lots of sugar can be a cause of being over weight. 2) Eating fruit has many benefits and is vital to a balanced diet. People with type 2 diabetes are recommended to eat fruit as…
check out "Sugar from fruit. Is it really bad?" on the same message board.