I am not on the community section too often. Sorry for the delay ladies, nice to meet you and friend requests sent!
Working mom. Enjoy having active friends in my feed to help keep me motivated. Feel free to add me.
Added, nice to 'meet' you both!
Similar story to many other moms here! Feel free to add me. :smiley:
Elementary aged kids here. Thirty something wife, mom, full time worker bee, part time student, and have 80+ to lose. Looking for other mom friends also to beef up my feed. This is the first time I have played in the groups. I just need some increased engagement within MFP to help keep me motivated and engaged. Feel free…
30 something, wife, littles at home, work full time outside the home, part time student, and have 80+ to loose. I love the support of the NEM group on FB and am looking to add more MFP mom friends here. When I jump from fb to mfp it feels so lonely here! This is the first time I have started tapping into the groups... I am…