

  • Feel free to add me as well! I've been on here for a few months and have lost almost 33 already -- I find it sucks posting about accomplishments and not having a lot of encouragement!
  • Haha yah, those people that did it every day, phew, that's devotion that I don't have the energy for yet, but I figure doing it a few times a week slowly at first, maybe even twice a day will be a great way to build up gently into the program.
  • Thanks! I'm doing better with my food, slowly but surely. I'm not a huge fan of The Biggest Loser, but I hear that she really is tough, and that's just what I need! Out of ALL the reviews I read, and literally, I read HUNDREDS, 99.9% of them were positive, saying that if they changed their eating habits only a little, but…
  • Weight loss really is tough but the results are worth it, I promise! I wish you tons of luck on your weight loss journey. =]