Jillian Michaels

Zombiette13 Posts: 6
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey all!

I'm VERY new to MFP, but I'm actually kind of loving it so far! I love that I'm able to have interactions with others who are going through similar struggles as myself.

After doing HOURS of research, I have decided to devote a bit of my paycheck to something useful (I hope) and purchase the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout DVD and kit that comes with exercise mat and weights. Basically I want to know, has anybody done this program, and is it REALLY worth it? I'm working full time and going to school full time, and that can equal a lot of very bad for me food, and I need an exercise program that is quick yet effective!

If anybody has some feedback it would be greatly appreciated!


  • I, myself, have not done it, but I've read a ton of success stories on here of people completing the 30DS. While it will definitely burn up a good amount of calories, you also need to make sure you're making some healthier food changes, whether it be packing a healthy lunch for work or school or making sure you are using portion control. Jillian is a BEAST! I really like her in The Biggest Loser :) I think you should go for it! I just started P90X myself. Great job on your decision to devote time to the 30DS! Make sure to keep us posted!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I have done it. You can take a look at my profile pics if you'd like.
    It definitely works but you have to stick to it and make healthier food choices.
    After a while mix in some other cardio like walking or running and you will see great results.

    Good Luck!
  • Thanks! I'm doing better with my food, slowly but surely.
    I'm not a huge fan of The Biggest Loser, but I hear that she really is tough, and that's just what I need! Out of ALL the reviews I read, and literally, I read HUNDREDS, 99.9% of them were positive, saying that if they changed their eating habits only a little, but devoted time EVERY day to work out, that they saw results within weeks, so I'm pretty excited to actually get the stuff and get started. =]
  • rasandoval
    rasandoval Posts: 1 Member
    I started the work out video in January and I like it! I don't do it every single day, perhaps 3-4 days a week, but I quickly noticed changes to my body. My abs are stronger (they exist!), and all muscles. I started trimming up quickly. It's tough, but I recommend it! Good luck doing it every day!
  • Welcome! I just wanted to say hello and I hope that you are successful with your program. Good luck!
  • Haha yah, those people that did it every day, phew, that's devotion that I don't have the energy for yet, but I figure doing it a few times a week slowly at first, maybe even twice a day will be a great way to build up gently into the program.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i'm currently doing the 30 day shred & LOVE it! i bought the dvd at target for about $10 & use my yoga mat & i have 3lb weights. i need to buy 5lb ones now. i'm almost ready to move on to level two. i love the convenience of it being only about 22 minutes. Jillian does a great job of kicking my butt! i deff suggest you buy the set if it's a good deal, otherwise just get the dvd & the mat isn't necessary unless you're on a hard surface & get 3 & 5 pound weights. :o)
  • amylary
    amylary Posts: 46 Member
    just bought it today because I have read and saw pics of everyone on MFP's sucesses !!! Good Luck !! I am Gonna start it on Sunday or Monday !!!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I've seen tons of success stories with photos. Amazing things.

    Me I have a lot to lose but so far in 6 weeks I've lost at least 2 inches off my hips, one of waist and one off each thigh. My arms are tough for me to measure but they feel tighter and definitely have some tone underneath.

    I only do 30 Day Shred 3 days a week though. I alternate with regular longer cardio including her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and my old Walk Away the Pounds dvd. I occasionally do Bob's yoga for warrior and I have a few other dvds. But the mains ones are the first 3.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    & deff do your measurements before you begin! if you do it everyday, by day 5 you'll have a difference in inches! & push through the first few days of being sore, it goes away. :o) hope i was of some help!
  • wendimarlow
    wendimarlow Posts: 12 Member
    Today was my first day of doing the 30ds. Wow, kicked my but and I thought I was in OK shape from running. I'm already feeling the soreness in my body and it's has only been about 13 hrs since. Worked up a good sweat and just praying for some results. If anyone has any suggestions about doing 30ds every day or alternating it with running, please let me know. Running is my therapy and I hate to give it up. I work a pretty physical job so I don't want to overdo and have a hard time at work.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I've not done the 30DS yet but I have been doing the Biggest Winner DVD's (5 DVD set)by JM for about two weeks. I love the work out. They are chalenging but you get through them fast which is great! They are only about 30 minutes. From what I've heard from others on the message boards that is what people like about the 30DS as well (short effective workouts with results). I may start the 30DS in March so I'd love to hear how you are doing on it.
  • I started this last month. I was on lvl 1 for about 3 weeks. I needed to get my endurance back. My husband does it too.

    I did lvl 3 day 7 today. Been doing it everyday for the past 17 days. My thights are smaller. My belly is almost flat (I had a small baby belly still). I lost 3 pounds before i even started to diet and now lost another 4 after I started on here with a diet.

    The workout will kick your butt at first but when you start to get bored move to lvl 2. And lvl 3 is not really harder just different moves but soooo worth it.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    oh my gosh! dont even get me started on JIllian michaels!!! I own pretty much just about all of her dvds and I swear by them!! when i workout at home myself, its pretty much the only workout dvds I swear by! I love her approach to training and her style. its not all "campy" and choregraphed like some other peoples dvds. Basically just all 100% Real, hardcore, bootcamp basic type of excercise's! I love her dvds. They really are all great! 30 day shred is the first one i bought of hers and its awsome! def get it, you will love it!! so many people on her also Rant about it, as well. Its def challenging and intense. She will make u work ur butt off, but its totally worth it :) Jillian michaels is great! all of her dvds are! bob harper's inside out method new dvd series is also really really great! challenging but awsome!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    very worth it!!! i went from hardly being able to do a push up to doing them with no problem. i only have one day left of the program and love it so much i might repeat it. i never been in the shape i am now. thanks jillian!
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    When I think of Jillian I think of Alicia Keyes song, I Keep on Falling In and Out of Love with You. While I am doing the DVD, I really want to punch her in the face, I tell her to shut up a lot but after it is over and I can breath again and my arms no longer feel like a jello jiggler, I notice how my body is responding and changing, I fall back in love with her. My personal opinion is that she is a good trainer and she will motivate you to push hard and challenge yourself. I need a kick in the pants and Jillian delivers that.

    I just completed a round of 30 day shred and truly it is a great workout. I did it every day consistently. I modified when I needed to modify but I enjoyed the challenge of pushing myself to be a Natalie (the girl who does the harder versions of each exercise). I lost 5 pounds which may not seem to be a tremendous weight loss to some but I am so much more toned and my endurance level from day 1 to day 30 improved 100%. I really have noticed a difference in my abs. They are so much stronger than they have ever been and my stomach is getting flatter. My arms are definetly more toned as well. I can tell a major difference in how my clothes fit.

    In addition, she taught me how to properly do ab work. I usually always end up hurting my neck but I have not since doing this dvd. She explains how to do the exercises and how to breath as well which has been a tremendous help to me.

    Overall I am very happy with the results and am going to start another round of it beginning this Saturday adding some additional cardio training.
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    hey we have a thread going for the 30 day shred and people who are doing it.


    im on day 4. its hard but i hear only good things so im pushing myself to do it everyday in hopes that i will loose a few inches
  • This program is great as an energy booster, strength training program and will help you lose INCHES. but if you are tied more to the number on the scale you may not like it because although you'll look and feel better your number wont go down a ton.

    take before and after measurments and enjoy it. I'm on day 9 right now and I'm loving it! she makes me feel tough.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I love this. It's hard, and I haven't seen the lbs or inches lost that alot of people have, but I'm SO much stronger and I can endure so much more!!!! I've got 3 days left of level 3 and then am probably going to start it over (or do the 30 day slimdown). I love that it packs such a workout into 20 minutes!

    I'd do some cardio, too, though, if I were you. It's great for getting you in shape but I don't know how effective it is at actually making you shed weight (or maybe my muscles are replacing my fat (hopefully!) and I'll wake up tomorrow 10 lbs/inches smaller! (one can dream!)). However, like I said, my endurance (previously about 2 minutes of any kind of exercise) is SO much higher and I feel so much better doing this and other workouts. It's definitely worth the $10/20 minute investment!
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