

  • I do not have any issues, I just want to look thinner. I do not 'hate' myself, I am content, I would just rather be thinner! Pretty normal I think, most people are like that.
  • I do know my height, I am just unsure how accurate it was when measured... I thought I was 5'5, but I could be 5'3.
  • I didn't weigh today, I got up a bit late and just didn't. I range from 8 stone 10 to 8 stone 12 really, just fluctuates. I know it may seem odd, but I want the scale to decease, I just want to lose more weight. I am healthy, nothing to worry about.
  • Also, yes I do not 'need' to lose weight, I just want to. I am content with myself, I don't have any issues, I just would like to be thinner. I want to be around 8 stone, if I do feel like I am too thin I can always gain. Just difficult losing it right now.
  • I am really not any higher than 5'5. I thought I was 5'5', but when measured I was 5'3... but I will check again, because it seems too small. Also, with my weight, I weigh everyday so it varies. I think I will count calories again, but as I have said, it doesn't help me mentally. I tend to eat less than I should, but that…
  • Another issue is because I went from eating not that much, I have to be careful with how much I eat, because I know too much probably will make me gain. I don't know if I should count calories again, properly, because it isn't good for me mentally. How many calories should I be taking in, while 'dieting'? I don't think I…
  • I don't count my calories anymore. Well, I know that my breakfast is around 130 and I know my lunch will be around 380, while dinner depends - but it is healthy, vegetables and what no so I am not concerned. When I count calories, I try to go too low because I know I can, so it is best for me not to. I can be quite restive…
  • I have been doing them for ages, so just stopping makes me feel kinda sloppy. Will I gain weight if I do weight training? I think I will really consider it, it couldn't hurt to try. Also, how do I tone my stomach up? The sit ups do really help, but you would think it would help more...
  • I drink at least one cup of hot lemon water a day. It helps me so much! It removes all of the toxins. I lose more weight when I drink it, so at least once a day. I don't have time in the mornings, but many people do that.