mhfitbit Member


  • But that's the point - the vast majority of people that lose weight with WW (or any other diet) do not maintain their goal weight - quite the opposite in fact. And WW's business model (and their ilk) are predicated on people failing. Failure = repeat business.
  • Pretty sure it's not top secret - she was a Jenny Craig consultant.
  • You could try the 100 push ups challenge (honestly, it starts slowly!) lots of useful hints and tips:
  • Because the OP is talking about a programme called "The men who made us fat". Jacques Peretti, the programme maker, has a new doc out (this week in the UK I think) called ... "The men who made us thin" about how the same manufacturers that produce junk food are often the ones plugging "diet" products also.
  • Do they do that annoying thing of having to go up and down right next to you? My dog does that - she keeps pace with me on the stairs, and even stops midway if I do; I'm convinced we're going to trip each other up one day! I've had my fitbit for almost a year; had a break from wearing it for a couple of months, but back to…
    in Fitbit Comment by mhfitbit August 2013
  • Does this mean the dogs are getting free run of your house just so you can register stairs? I bet they think the fitbit is awesome! :laugh: :wink: I've got an old style ultra fitbit and earned my 1,000 mile badge today. Super-pleased! :glasses:
    in Fitbit Comment by mhfitbit August 2013