

  • Oh Yeah.....and a full bag of Reeses Peanut Butter cups... That gives me a headache though....LOL
  • A box of OREO'S with a quart glass of milk.... Iced Oatmeal Cookies with a quart glass of milk.... Several sleeve's of Ritz crackers..... A tube of Pringles - doesn't matter what flavor...If I open the's gone Bag's of Doritos (Family size) - open's gone Lays Potato chips with Jimmy Deans Sour cream and…
  • Not sure what you could substitue the agave nectar with....sorry. I tasted it straight out of the bottle and it is EXTREMELY sweet. Most grocery stores carry the agave. It is in the baking isle of wallmart and krogers. Runs about 3.00 a bottle and looks almost like a honey bottle. I don't think that the equal would have…
  • We are on the 17 day diet. One of the recipes calls for Barbecue Chicken. The Barbecue sauce is nothing short of amazing and extremely low-fat. 2/3 cup reduced sugar ketchup 2 table spoons Worcestershire 1 table spoon agave nectar 2 teaspoons chili powder Give it a try...It has an amazing flavor.