battlangl Member


  • Concerning your health, it is best to stay away from ground beef as much as possible. Try ground turkey. Its amazing as burgers and delicious in chili.
  • I'm trying to get my weight down to my ideal... about 120. I've never made it there before but I'm determined! Im about 13 lbs away from that. A few months ago, i was 7 lbs away, but then I met my current boyfriend. This always happens to me when I start dating again. Boys LOVE to eat! I find myself eating as much as he…
  • Its not really about counting. Its not about deprivation. When you think in those terms, everything SEEMS hard. It SEEMS like you're deprived because that is your mindset. Try thinking more in terms of "This food is harmful to my body" and choose something you know will nourish you, and give you fuel. When you go to a…