shanaber Member


  • Ok - I need to fess up and admit I was wrong. The beach was muddy last night but when Hobbes and I went out to walk today I was delighted to discover the beach was mostly packed sand (and some avoidable) muddy spots. We took a lovely walk as far as we could go in one direction before the water blocked us at the cliffs.…
  • Hey There! @CMorning99 - I suppose the agreements are between the defendant and the DA so approval by family of the victim isn't required but common courtesy would seem to dictate that they at least let you know. Pretty crappy actually the way they handled it. LS won't have the opportunity to get any earlier would he? I…
  • Hi All - I have been following along, liking and hugging as appropriate even if not commenting. @Scott6255 - fantastic racing on both days! I can't imagine racing to a 4th place PR in the 15k then coming back the next day to race another PR in the 10k! All that hot weather running paid off clearly. @AlphaHowls - that is so…
  • Forgot to mention that I got a new ‘exercise’ device that was recommended by one of our cousins who also went through cancer treatments. It was recommended by one of his doctors. It is called a vibration plate and you can use it to help strengthen muscles and balance and it helps with keeping your bones stronger. I did…
  • @CMorning99 - I always hated the Life insurance annuity ‘options’ when selecting coverage at work each year. They always worded it in such a way to be confusing as to what you were or weren’t signing up for. Such a scam! I hope you can get it straightened out without too much aggravation! It is great that your reselling is…
  • @chris_in_cal - this is the worst weather… near 100 here the next few days with humidity in the 8-15% range. Fortunately it does cool off a bit by Sunday but I am sure it will be back. I will get out tomorrow if I can get up early enough and I feel up to it. The medications really zonk me out the first week but I should be…
  • Congratulations @chris_in_cal!!! Yes it rained here too yesterday morning when I was walking and again off and on in the afternoon/evening. So glad you had a good race, ran the entire time and had a good finish! @Zaxa2021 - congratulations on hitting your goal! @quilteryoyo - @HonuNui lives on the Big Island so no, the…
  • @quilteryoyo - Thanks! I haven't heard from @HonuNui since back in May when she responded to me in the other smaller running group discussion. I miss her and and all the scuba/snorkeling pictures she would post. @chris_in_cal - I hope you were able to just let the lack of your Garmin go and enjoy running the race 'naked'.…
  • Thanks @AlphaHowls! I am going to stick with my modest 25mile walking goal. Hopefully I can keep it up!
  • I have been away for a few days and was so far behind. I did read through all the posts and will respond to some. @chris_in_cal - you're on for next year! I just have to get my endurance back up between January and December! @tarun_yadavA - there have been a few meetups over the years, some including running and some not.…
  • @CMorning99 - do you have to take the driving test too? My DH found a bunch of practice tests on YouTube that he practiced with whenever he was just sitting around, I even got involved discussing/answering some of the questions that we thought were really odd. When he took the written test he had no issue. I wouldn't rule…
  • @scott6255 - So sorry about your shins but also sorry about the trees. It is tough on them during a drought! @martaindale - I don't think I would ever pay for a skirt to wear over my own shorts either. The only reason would be if I wanted something for a running 'costume' for a holiday run or the like and it was a cheaper…
  • Hi All - Haven't been feeling the greatest but have been reading and following along, living and running vicariously through you all! @Teresa502 - gorgeous views from your hike! I don't think I have ever see chestnuts in their 'pods' like that. I thought they grew just hanging from the tree. 🤷🏻‍♀️ @chris_in_cal - hope you…
  • Hello All! Sorry I have been so absent lately. I have been pretty tired and have not been feeling very chatty. I was so happy to see your posts @CMorning99 this most recent one looks like you are settling into retirement well. I did find it surprising when I first retired how busy we were and it made me wonder how I was…
  • @polskagirl01 - love your description of the slugs, especially the 'top-slug-speed' 😂 @yirara - If you keep running that hill it will get easier, even running down and running just a bit up, you will be able to run up more and more over time. Make sure on the up to keep your form and keep your eyes looking up just above…
  • @chris_in_cal - so glad you were not locked in to the park, just your car was! I suppose the police could likely have gotten you out though if you were. @TheMrWobbly - I too have picked off other runners to at least keep up with if not pass. It is really sobering though to have someone 20-30 years older zoom by you and out…
  • @AlphaHowls - I also have to have my laces all flat, not twisted anywhere and I will re-lace them so they are crossing the same way if they are not. @7lenny7 and @Teresa502 and any other Courtney fans here is an article from the NYT yesterday about her. It is gifted so you shouldn't hit a paywall. They talk about what a…
  • @AlphaHowls and @SummerSkier - my first thought was focused on the 1000 miles on a pair of shoes. I have gotten 700 miles on one of mine and 500 on a few others. However, then I considered that 1000 miles is ONLY (less than actually) 2 months of running!! 😳😳😳 @polskagirl01 - is that pool by any chance used for diving…
  • Thanks @AlphaHowls for getting this all set up! You know because you set it up you get to be 1st to set your goal 😊 I am not setting an actual goal other than hoping to be able to walk as often as possible and maybe get over 20 miles.
  • September 2023
  • August 2023
  • July 2023
  • June 2023
  • @polskagirl01 - love the art wall! I haven't made an art wall but have done a lot of 'coloring' too. I use pens on the stained glass type sheets and colored pencils on everything else. I am re-learning to crochet and finishing several cross stitch projects. @TheMrWobbly - glad the park run went so well! @Scott6255 - So…
  • @AlphaHowls - interesting on your HR - surprised it didn't go up higher in the heat and hills. Maybe you were able to push harder today? @tarun_yadavA - have fun with your family! Congratulations @Laurz9191! Interesting that you find the swimming the hardest but I have to say that zigzag Pattern would be really confusing!…
  • I saw this in the 6 Minute Mile email this morning and thought it a relevant topic coming into (maybe) cooler fall weather when more spadework is possible and thought I would share for any of our newer runners or those who just need to refresh what the different speed workouts can be. Experienced runners will be familiar…
  • @chris_in_cal - Sounds like a plan! Not sure I will be back running HMs by then but would definitely be there and could do the 5k if nothing else. Mark your calendars folks - May 18, 2024 in La Jolla CA!
  • Welcome @catholicmum - this is a great group of crazy welcoming runners of all levels and abilities. I hope your recovery continues and you can get back to running regularly. Good to see you back @7lenny7! I too have followed along with your running (and sailing) on Strava. Amazed though to read the details about your…
  • Helllllooooo...... This thread has gone silent! @CMorning99 - you out there and still doing ok? I think you must be retired now. Did you decide on doing some contracting or just relaxing for a bit? How are you doing now with exercise and food? @swenson19d - How are the pups and kitties all doing? How are you doing with all…
  • If I were running and needing shoes I would totally consider getting these from Topo Athletic!