OCTOBER 2023 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    Oct 1 – 8.16 miles
    Oct 2 – 5.42 miles
    Oct 4 – 4.79 miles
    Oct 6 – 6.02 miles
    Oct 9 – 4.10 miles
    Oct 10 – 5.15 miles
    Oct 12 – 5.21 miles
    Oct 13 – 8.16 miles
    Oct 15 – 8.75 miles
    Oct 16 – 5.01 miles
    Oct 17 – 3.24 miles
    Oct 19 – 5.04 miles
    Oct 21 – 10.02 miles
    Oct 23 – 5.11 miles
    84.19 miles/ Goal 100 miles

    It was a brisk 38F for this morning’s run. Time to pull out the long pants, gloves and ear warmers. At least I had 2 out of 3 this morning.

    @tarun_yadavA – No family vacation is complete without a little saltiness! What a cutie pie your son is! The butter chicken looks amazing.

    Ouch Laurz9191 – bee stings are so painful. What a lovely running route.

    @Scott6255 – Another excellent race for you! You worked hard and it shows! Congratulations!

    @AlphaHowls – I know ending your HM streak was a difficult decision but I’m so glad you listened to your body. We’re in this thing for the long haul! I’m looking forward to following along on your next streaking adventure! You definitely look leaner in the 2023 picture vs. 2022. I think you look great in both photos.

    Great long run pace @martaindale! Glad you and the kid enjoyed some theatre time together.

    @kgirlhart – Sounds like you had a big cross training weekend! I’m not a big baseball fan but I’m pulling for the Rangers after hearing about Evan Carter and his Christian testimony.

    Good to see you @shanaber and yay for being over half done with the treatments!! The skeletons are awesome!

    @quilteryoyo – Is tennis season almost over?

    @chris_in_cal – You have been very quiet lately. Still on jury duty?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,025 Member
    Great running @kgirlhart ! I hope you enjoyed your visit with your family. Painting is a great workout in and of itself. My arms would be sore for sure.

    @shanaber You are doing great with getting out and doing what you can when you can. I am so glad that you are at the half way point with your treatments. Enjoy your time on the coast!!! Calvin and Hobbes..... :lol::love:

    Great running @Teresa502 ! As for tennis, we don't have anymore league matches, so I guess you can say that tennis season is over. We will continue to try to get together and play some indoors or out when the weather is nice.

    Great running @kgirlhart ! I hope you get the rain you need, but no hail.

  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,095 Member
    86.2/120 miles

    10/2: 3 miles
    10/4: 2.8 miles
    10/5: 3.7 miles
    10/6: 5 miles
    10/7: 8 miles
    10/9: 4.1 miles
    10/10: 7.1 miles
    10/11: 3 miles
    10/14: 10 miles
    10/16: 7.2 miles
    10/17: 6.1 miles
    10/19: 6.1 miles
    10/20: 3 miles
    10/21: 10 miles
    10/23: 7.1 miles

    My plan called for 5 x 1k repeats. I had to run after work so it was hot (mid 80"s) and I forgot my salt tablets, which I missed quite a bit. I wanted to try to complete the workout but I wasn't sure how it would go. I managed to get down to the target pace but it was hard to hold. The first 2 were about 10 secs off, the third was 15 secs off. On the fourth, I couldn't get down below a 9 min pace (target 8:30) so I bailed part way through. No point in pushing hard as my legs were clearly giving out. I just ran easy for the rest of the workout and finished the mileage. Anyway, the route was an out and back so I had to get back to my car.
    I really prefer doing speed work in the morning. I think I would have been able to pull that workout off in the morning. I'm going to chalk this bomb up to conditions and time of day.