

  • I always scope out a menu online first...if it is available. It's been a huge help for me since I love eating out!
  • Also, I've heard that HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is supposed to be awesome for burning fat. I adore intervals!
  • Some of us are just doomed with extra weight/fat in the middle. I've always struggled with it, even when I was a size 4 and an athlete. It's all about burning the fat and also building the muscle underneath so that when the fat comes off the stomach looks great. Keep at it! You are only a month into it!!! One day you will…
  • Honestly, Bud Select is not good. If you want a light beer stick to Amstel Light - 90 calories and so much flavor. Wine is great. If I'm drinking liquor I usually have Whiskey and diet sprite or whiskey and coke zero. I know that alcohol can tank your weight-loss, but I'm not giving it up. :-)
  • I do pilates 3-4 times a week, I have been for almost a month now. I haven't lost drastic weight, but I think part if it is because I've been building muscle. I DEFINITELY see an overall change in the look of my body, less flab everywhere. Videos I highly recommend (I do them all through Netflix Watch Now) Anything with…
  • Go for a walk and get outside or do something like yoga at home, but I would stay away from sweating it up at the gym, you don't want to push yourself and make yourself get worse! Plus don't take your germs to the gym!!!!! I wish more people would stay home when they are sick!
  • yeah I a friend told me to come here for the support, she said it was fabulous :) This will help me stay accountable too, I can't sluff off if I have online friends!!! Thanks everyone for the requests!