

  • i only ever have lowfat mayo/salad cream etc but i dont eat the stuff that often! i need to be more prepared and eat fruit and stuff instead of eating convinience food. i have zumba/cardio workout/wii fit and plus/dance workout for my wii so have been clearing a space to i can break them back out, i used to work for over…
  • if you make buttercream icing it will melt/go soggy if not kept cool. your best best is ready to roll out fondant icing because it doesnt need to be kept in the fridge! i never make my own 'roll out icing' i buy the ready to roll stuff as i dont have time to make it myself!! put a think layer of frosting on the cake 4 cups…
  • i have music notes tattoed on my ribs :) it hurt ....alot!! i want another but not sure what i want yet!
  • I currently ride ***** on the back of my other halfs Yamaha Thundercat, love going out on it but cant wait to get my own! im saving to take my test in august hopefully woop! would love to get a GSXR but depends on money! Always ride in full gear (my other half does to and would allow me on the back untill i had all my kit…
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