ChassityGetsFit Member


  • I used to allow myself a sort of spike day on Saturdays and try to eat it in healthy foods and allow myself some small cheats. I found that it really didn't work in my favor and I ended up having to try and work those extra calories off during the week and then my weight loss was lower than what it could have been because…
  • My husband is serving in the Army overseas in Afghanistan and I'm blessed that he is staying safe and fighting for our country! I'm also blessed that I have a supportive family and friends to help me through these hard times. I also feel completely blessed that I have great things and hobbies to keep me busy enough to not…
  • Great motivation! :D
  • I tend to weigh myself everyday or every other day, but I only really care about what it says on weigh in day and log it once a week! :) I really wanna stop weighing all the time though because sometimes it affects my mood!
  • If she's constantly on Facebook then have your MFP automatically post to FB! When you work out and lose weight then she will see those updates! Maybe then she will start to really see what it takes and how hard you're working! Maybe after that she will come around! If not, then just tell her nicely if you can that you…
  • 160 calories definitely isn't right. But the estimated 500-1200 is absolutely right, it all depends on your intensity and the instructor's choreography intensity. My zumba instructor (who is also here on MFP) burns over 1100 calories in one of her hour classes! Her choreo is very high intensity and keeps you going at that…
  • Thank you all sooo much for posting these! I've been struggling to lose this weight with constantly falling off of the wagon and gaining lost weight back again! :( I have two small children and it can be such a struggle to find the time and I just keep making excuses! These photos have been beyond motivational, you have no…
  • I've gone to classes on post and I love to go to Zumba. I just LOVE ZUMBA!!! The intructor that I love only teaches at night so that is when I go, and my husband usually watches my kids for me so I can go! :) He is leaving for overseas next month though and I don't think I will be able to go anymore! I might be able to…
  • I did always struggle with weight before my husband joined the military, but I don't doubt that the stress if military life can add to the weight struggles! It's just a common stereotype that military wives are overweight! I also have my own theory though that most (not all) military husbands go through their own struggles…
  • My name is Chassity and I'm also an Army Wife stationed in Fort Carson, CO! I'm actually away right now visiting with family for the rest of the month though! I'm 28 years old and have a daughter that's 4 and a son that's 1! I started MFP earlier this year and lost 10 lbs only to gain it back while we were on leave! I fell…
  • I say count anything and everything you put in your mouth! Even if you're just tasting or grabbing something off of someone's plate, count it!
  • Belly fat is the hardest to get rid of and you may not notice a difference until you're closer toward the end! Are you taking measurements? I just took my measurements and I've lost 2 inches in my waist that I didn't even recognize! :)
  • Ok, now I totally have to get those!!!
  • I'll have to check it out! Beats trying to order one from Amazon!
  • Sure you can eat bread! Whole grains and whole wheat breads are better for you as the nutrients haven't been bleached out of it like in white bread. Just because a bread says whole wheat on it though doesn't always mean it's 100% whole wheat, so make sure you check the ingredients list! The first or sometimes second…
  • I do Zumba often and I just log my Zumba on MFP under Dance, aerobic! I don't have my HRM yet either and don't know how accurate it is, but then again I don't know how accurate anything really is without an HRM! :)
  • I've been looking for this post everywhere! Well, good thing I gave up my fave thing this week even before I saw this! For me it's diet soda!!! I drink it and then I want more and more and then I even get a sweet tooth and want other things as well! So this week I gave it up for another challenge but it's perfect for this…
  • Awesome! Happy 5th!!! :D
  • Thanks so much for all the replies! I did check out the website but I really wanted to hear all sides of the story and not just those that actually do the diet! I do understand what everyone is saying and I appreciate the comments so far! I am the type of person that loves my carbs and breads, but I really wanna kick that…
  • That's so great! Hearing about you overcoming these obstacles motivates me to keep moving forward!!!
  • Ok, I know that MFP says to eat 1200 calories NET, meaning you should be eating back your workout calories. But on Biggest Loser they eat 1200-1500 calories a day and DON'T eat their workout calories back! I figure that if you eat 1200 calories per day then you're eating 1200, not 800 or whatever your net would be, so why…
  • I don't tend to let things like this bother me! My house is a little messier because I'm putting so much into preparing foods, tracking calories, and exercising, but oh well! I figure that I'll get to it when I get to it, LOL! My husband doesn't really like it that much though. I know my daughter likes to take a bite out…
  • Do you weight yourself in the morning after you've gone to the bathroom? I only weigh myself in the mornings and yes, my weight fluctuates! You can retain more water if you eat salty foods so try staying away from that as much as possible! Also, if you don't sleep for at least 7 hours then you're body hasn't put all of…
  • In the beginning you probably are going to feel like you're really hungry all the time because you're body is so used to getting so many calories and now it's not so it needs to adjust! It's also the thought of eating and the habit of doing it! Try drinking atleast 2 glasses of water first and then wait about 10 minutes…
  • If it says you should be eating 1200 calories per day then you need to eat 1200 calories per day! I generally try to eat 1200 calories per day and when I exercise I choose not to eat back my calories earned unless I'm really hungry!
  • I get motivated by my kids, knowing that I'm doing everything I can to make sure they don't have to live like I had! I also like thinking about what my friends and family will say when they see me after having lost all of this weight (they live in another state)!
  • It's definitely a journey and this is a great place to do it at!!! I'll add you!
  • You could always make him a separate pot of white rice for him and a pot of brown rice for you and whoever else wants to eat it! I'm finding that I have to do this sort of thing a lot in my family in order to get through it! :D
  • I suggest adjusting your activity level under stetting for this sort of lifestyle! :)