

  • If you are exercising a lot, muscle weighs more than fat. So you could be losing fat, but gaining equal amounts of muscle. That is why, at almost 200 lbs, I do not look that weight. (Still look big, just not 200 lbs)
  • Congrats! That's really awesome! You must be taller than me, because I weigh just about that and I'm still in the really high end. xD;;
  • What keeps me going at the lowest of moments is that I was at a lower moment. Knowing that I felt far more miserable when I was larger, and that I've made progress, even if it doesn't seem like a lot. Giving up will put me back in that dark place that i -never- want to be in again. :/
  • I had been told by my lactation consultant that breastfeeding uses 300 calories. Though, you may not have to add calories. Maybe just add foods that are higher in fiber, or even spread them out more throughout the day. Smaller meals more often will help you feel fuller throughout the day than just having three meals a day.…
  • I'm still fighting the baby weight. I had my daughter late in January. I still don't know how my weight creeped up so much, I watched what I ate, and stayed -very- active throughout the pregnancy. Either way, I've lost almost half of the weight I put on, just trucking along and pushing myself now. :3 Edit: I should…
  • Welcome to MFP! I hope that you can succeed before you get back home. I'm sure that your family will be pleasantly surprised!
    in Hi there Comment by Hikaroo April 2011
  • Welcome to MyFitnessPal, Tay! Weight is a struggle that a large majority of people have, so you are certainly not alone. Any number of things contribute. The things that are affordable and available to us in the US is a huge part of that. Regardless, I hope you find what you are looking for here on MFP, and I wish you the…
  • Salvador? That's cool, that's my husband's nickname, and he's from El Salvador. Binge days can work for some people, and not for others. For me, it wouldn't work. It's more of a lifestyle change I am attempting to make, rather than a diet that I use to lose what I need to and then go back to my old habits. However, awesome…
  • Well, cutting back volume and still having what you love is always a good idea! I use my small plates instead of my dinner plates. I don't try to fill them as full. :D The concept of calories is sometimes really hard to keep up with and pay attention to. My problem was the opposite, not eating enough calories, thus…
  • Well, I think you came to the right place! Your family is absolutely precious!
  • What you are saying is absolutely okay. If you were showing off, you'd be bragging about how much you have lost, and continue to go on and on and on about it. You're being appreciative of their comment, and admitting that it's hard work. Good for you on your weightloss! :D
  • Just keep working hard for yourself. He may change his mind when you start to look better. For my husband, at one point, it was because he was worried I'd go to someone else since I was starting to look better, it made him want to look better as well. Just do what you feel you need to do, eventually he'll either join you,…
  • Honestly, I would look at the songs to compare which she would enjoy more. Both games are okay, though Just Dance 2 has much higher ratings overall, when they were / are both very popular.
  • I love my Wii Fit Plus, but it doesn't challenge me nearly enough. I prefer the EA Sports Active 2, though it challenges me TOO much. Can't win for losing. ;D The Wii Fit Plus is perfect for someone just looking for something fun to do at home for exercise. :D
  • I just had my first (and only), so I totally understand. I'm only 5'4", and almost 200 lbs. Though, I have always had a lot more muscle than most, it's no excuse! I'm always willing to do what I can to be supportive if ever you need it. :D