

  • You look awesome! You look like the daughter of the woman in the top picture. Congratulations.
  • After two weeks of losing weight, I started noticing wrinkles around my mouth. I used to notice chocolate and peanut butter around my mouth. Now I am noticing the wrinkles. My doctor suggested I use cocoa butter all over, especially on my stomach area. Good luck!!!
  • Hi, I get headaches when I work out and my doctor said that I was dehydrating and not breathing deeply enough. There could also be something in the environment that you are allergic/sensitive to. I have to carry a water bottle with me always because I get a headache just from walking, generally about 3-5 miles each time.…
  • I like to have something sweet before I go to bed also. I just plan for it during the day and cut back on the number of calories I consume during the day. I sometimes skip my lunch time small frozen yogurt so I can have it before I go to bed. I say go ahead and have the sweets, just plan for it or exercise enough to zero…
  • That is hilarious. I gotta tell you, that's the funniest line I have heard in years. I should have pulled my sweet tooth long ago!!!. I saw a silver charm of a tooth (probably for a dental assistant). I should put that on a necklace! Thanks for seeing the humor. By the way, I'm stealing your line.
  • Hi trianglesfocu, I have a sweet tooth the size of a refrigerator. Sweets have always been a terrible obstacle for me. The difficulty for me is that I cannot eat "a bite of cake" or a couple of Hershey's Kisses. Once the candy or frosting is in my mouth, I am like an alcoholic. I have no skills to take a few bites and then…