

  • Hi, thanks for replying! Yes I will definitely start eating breakfast. I bought some oatmeal although it has brown sugar, but I need to start somewhere. I drink coffee first thing in the morning so that usually takes my appetite away... maybe if I make my breakfast before I drink my coffee. Thanks for the advice! Will look…
  • Hi, I am new and looking for friends as well. Added you. Anyone else may add me as well. I am looking for advice and support :)
  • YES!!! I need help with motivation! BTW I work at Starbucks (for 6 years now) and the coffees I am addicted to are really high in calories. My first step is to stop drinking that stuff and go for water or green tea instead :) Message me whenever you'd like. I think we could be a great push for each other. :)
  • HI! I am new to My Fitness Pal as well. I am 23 years old and weigh 230lbs after having two kids. I just had a baby 3 months ago, but just have 10lbs left of that baby weight to lose, then I need to continue to work on losing the rest of this weight that I gained 4 years ago with my first baby. I feel lazy all the time and…