xsix Member


  • Water retention, check! Thanks a lot for the info.
  • Awesome! Good advise i'm going to see how I can work this in.
  • Thank you, im an avid Stevia user. Im going to try and add it to more stuff and come up with drinks and treats that use it.
  • Im going to check this out, as a Vegetarian I may not be getting enough Protein, im about to get serious with my food logging again as well so I can track this.
  • Thanks, i'm trying things like this now.
  • Nope, im an ovo-lacto vegetarian so my dends to run clean, a Cheezy Poof here and there to scratch the itch, but thats about it. One thing I have picked up now is http://www.zevia.com/ instead of normal sodas, the taste is kinda so so, but it satisfies my urges and lowers blood sugar which hopefully means less insulin…
  • It's hard no doubt about it, I recommend having a day where you can eat what you want guilt free. As long as you are working out and not trying to be a fitness model, you will burn it off with no problems.
  • Worth it! Especially when logging your sleep patterns, i have not been using mine for a bit. I'm about to again however.
  • thank you
  • Aww man, I have been trying to go all natural......maybe its time to think about using some supplements.........not a pound in 9 months?Has your overall bodyfat dropped at all?
  • This is true.....I have been hitting my calorie mark most of the time, I'm stuck at 200 pounds right now, but im hoping that im losing body fat at this time.
  • I'm Vegitarian and working on becoming Vegitarian Bulletproof/Paleo diet. I consume very little surgar and avoid bread, sugar and most salt like the plague. I do alot of Kettlebell work, but you are right I need to start planking more downward dog, extended downward dog, and plank give me alot of trouble in Yoga class.
  • Oh and the best possible book imho is http://www.saveontextbooks.net/textbooks/isbn/buyback/0684843749?gclid=CNyf9q3Ix7kCFeqDQgodVHoAPg The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding: The Bible of Bodybuilding, Fully Updated and Revised (Paperback Edition edition) Arnie covers everything you could possibly want to know about…
  • I have been lifiting since I was 16 and was a hard gainer, from experience it took me 5000 calories above my standard daily intake at that time to put on any weight. Had to resort to Met-Rx and Weight Gainer to generate the extra calories in order to pack on the mass at my best I was 275 and able to squat well over 900…
  • Im in the same boat tap water is horrible......here is what has worked for me. Distlled water taste great imho 99 cents a gallon at Walgreens Lemon Juice or LIme Juice added to tap water or distilled water taste great, and if you close your eyes and imagine real hard it taste like soda. Add Stevia extract! Then it really…
  • Aspetame is horrible I am still pissed that it was ever released to public to begin with. http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/node/1665 However, in 1985, due to the conversion of aspartame to formaldehyde (even while stored in the can or bottle), the National Soft Drink Association (NSDA) recommended to the FDA that…
  • Vegitarian here let me tell you eatting 1200 calories a day is real easy when you only eat Veggies and small amounts of dairy, its not all that bad :).
  • OK Here you go Only basics Bench Press, Squats, Military Press, Heavy T Bar Row. Cardio should be done to help with fat burning. You are going to have to max out you weight you should only be finishing about 3 Reps for Five Sets at most, anything more you are either a best or you going to light. Four Day Split should do it…
  • Its not about the weight loss ...imho if you cut sugar in any form it will help you lose weight, I would be concerned about the medical side effects these artificial sweeteners have on you.…
  • I don't really like the Paleo diet, however being Vegitarian I do like the Bullet Proof Diet, just without the meat, here take a look http://www.bulletproofexec.com/the-complete-illustrated-one-page-bulletproof-diet/ Bulletproof Tean and Cofee is great!
  • Do not eat Splenda! iI is so incredibly bad for you! Check this out: http://www.peertrainer.com/health/complete-guide-to-sweeteners.aspx Stevia is where you want to be, If you can not find Sweet Leaf Stevia (super cool comes in different flavors as well), then look for Truvia at your local Grocery Store.