MissingMyOldSelf Member


  • Skinnytaste.com theskinnyfork.com www.budgetbytes.com
  • I am a big believer in cooking once, eating for a while on it. On the weekends, I'll make a massive amount of something, and eating on it during the week for lunch at work, or dinner. And another thing that helps it go a bit longer: reduce the amount of it, but add a side salad to the meal. I try to limit my frozen meal…
  • Mine was in 2009, too :) I notice the days where I'm stressed or my diet is just utterly crap (like this weekend was!), I lose more. Please let me know what your doctor says if you end up going and having this checked out. I'm curious :)
  • I have the lap band, and I noticed that my hair was coming out more than it normally did pre-surgery. I upped my protein to the max that I could handle, and I took a multivitamin (I take a pre-natal because my surgeon said that since I'm in the child-bearing age group, that would be fine for me to take), and also did a…
  • I donate mine in a large bin once I get a garbage bag full (after doing laundry and saying, "you know... I don't like this anymore..." and tossing it). It goes to a central office where the clothes are distributed to different shops where all the proceeds benefit the Ohio Special Olympics.
  • My husband hates cauliflower, but he tried a cauliflower pizza crust and looked at me and asked, "What sorcery is this??? I love this!!" lol
  • Honestly... the more I think about it, the more I can't figure what she's really done for me. I'm always making cakes or cupcakes for birthday parties (no payment), always at parties early to help her set up... but I don't have parties like that, so she doesn't help. I think what I will do is nicely say that we can't do…
  • HA! funny you mention this! My husband is MAJOR into RC helicopters, and the biggest worldwide funfly is that same weekend, and we always meet up with friends there and spend the weekend having a great time, and I do the photography hobby there, as well, for my own fun, and also, the pilots there use the pics as they want,…
  • No printing. She gets a cd after editing. Oh! So there's more of my time.
  • I think she does!!! WINNER!!
  • No, she didn't. We knew each other back then, but we weren't more than just acquaintances back then. lol OH! Would now be the time to mention that I just baked a double layer cake with fondant covering for her daughter's boyfriend last weekend? :)
  • I'm not a GREAT photographer... but I'm good. I'm just trying to get more experience. lol ... and not "bleached"... but "highlighted"... yes! LOL!!
  • She made a casual mention once of paying for "a night" of mine.... but that was January 1st, and she was drinking.... :huh:
  • My rehearsal dinner was a cookout at the apartment complex I lived at. We provided the burgers, dogs, chips, salads, dessert and bottled water. If they wanted extras, they were welcomed to bring it, especially the alcohol. Total cost for that: $100 for all the food for 25 people.
  • I swear, if it's a salad about the size of my fist and one 1inch thick cut of steak and a baby tomato for the main course, you'll hear me scream around the world.
  • I'm going... but like you said... $100/pp a dinner for both nights. These are the places they've picked to eat. I don't know what to say.... I'm going because I've booked the rooms... but I just can't afford the extras like that. I'm happy just going to McDonalds or ordering in from somewhere where I can save a shload.
  • One of the girls at my work is participating in this program from a local farm. The amount of food for a week is so much that she and a friend split the basket (for $10 each of them!), and by the end of the following week, she's either making massive salads or juicing them, just so the produce doesn't go to waste. It's a…
  • Lately, I've been doing almonds, or fruit, and always drinking at least one 16oz bottle of water with crystal light in it, to get more filled, if you will.
  • my schedule's the same as yours, Hitesc. From the moment I wake up til I go to bed... that's one day. I don't split my days if I'm up past midnight, which...I always am.
  • I made a huge batch... two cookie sheets completely full... and I eat on it for my lunch at work for a couple/few days. I normally put it in a microwave container, my protein on top (chicken breast today), and microwave it for 2-3 minutes.
  • Sometimes I use olive oil, sometimes, I just spray my olive oil cooking spray to be a little "lighter". Always season with s&p, and I have been using this massive Italian pizza seasoning that I got from GFS about 6 months ago that I rediscovered after hubby "helped" me and cleaned up the pantry.... and as a matter of fact,…
  • That's amazing!!! I have no self control at Red Lobster. None whatsoever. So, I try to stay away, if at all possible. But you did FANTASTIC!!!
  • A lot of women look for belly dancing to help with relaxing the muscles in the hips towards the end of pregnancy for delivery. I've seen quite a few videos of pregnant dancers, and the only thing I cringe at is the belly rolls. That poor baby!! LOL
  • LOL! Funny you said that because I have a friend who's now obsessed with belly dancers.... especially pregnant ones, for some reason.... :laugh:
  • YAY FOR YOU!!!! I've been taking classes for about 3 months now, and I'm in the intermediate program. My teacher specialized in the gothic/tribal dance. My words of advice to you (from someone 199lbs, started dancing at 205, and lost a pant size in a month while watching calories), PRACTICE. When you have a teacher telling…
  • I believe the same as lisy: eat when you're hungry. Also, those frozen meals are GREAT, but not on a 3-times-a-day diet. The sodium is a surprising upset. I try to limit myself to two a week. Normally on those days when I'm exhausted from work the night before (like Mondays), and then I have a side salad with it. For…
  • bump! always willing to try new recipes!!!! Thanks!!!
  • Love this! Thanks for posting!!!!!!
  • Honestly, I know it's not "correct", but I track all liquid, including coffee, tea, crystal lite, diet pop, etc. There's days that I will only have 4-5 glasses of liquid, and days where I can have 20. It all depends on my body. I can't force myself to drink, even though I know I should. As long as you're hydrated, that's…
  • If you're traveling in the New Carlisle area, you've GOTTA have Tom's Deli (on 571), Mel O Dee (the staple old person, after Sunday church meal with Broasted chicken), or Wot a Dog. Farther into town, almost to the northmost point, there's Arrow Queen, which is our "generic" Dairy Queen. Fantastic!!! And for the best…