It took a year for my system to get back to "normal". Fatty, greasy foods (bacon) are pretty much off of the menu for me. I agree with whoever told you it was a "trial by fire" to figure out what works and what doesn't. I have found that as long as I eat a fairly bland breakfast, that will set my stomach up with a good…
I had no problems until about 14 days into the program - then I had a mini meltdown. After that night, (the night of why on earth am I doing this to myself / I'm hungry / I hate this) I was fine. You'll get through it - hang in there!!
Some days I have the exact same problem. I just read an interesting article today though. Basically it said that if you eat the majority of your calories early in the day and less for lunch / dinner you have a much better chance of losing weight. Your metabolism is higher in the morning and eating more in the AM is…