Getting Through First Two Weeks

twooliver Posts: 450 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
HELP!!! I am returning after a couple of years of indulgence and wondered if you had any advice on how to get through the first two weeks...esp when it comes to sweets! I can't seem to pull away from the diet sodas...the donuts...etc...that have become such a regular part of my life...argh!!!!



  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    To be honest, you just gotta do it. I still allow myself treats here and there as long as it fits into my calories for the day. And if I do say overindulge I make sure to put in a good workout. If you really want to make a change then you'll be able to do it. Good luck :)
  • kilowidget
    I had no problems until about 14 days into the program - then I had a mini meltdown. After that night, (the night of why on earth am I doing this to myself / I'm hungry / I hate this) I was fine. You'll get through it - hang in there!!
  • jesss5885
    jesss5885 Posts: 187 Member
    This is my 2nd week back on here too!
    Just keep going - you might slip up here and there, but just track everything and move on.
    Try not to deprive yourself of too much all at once - you may end up over indulging and falling off track.

    Good luck!
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Allow yourself a cheat day once a week only to take care of that sweet tooth ... I don't know much about weaning of soda since I don't drinkin ...but I've heard you should wean off so you don't get headaches and such ...maybe try crystal light to curb the cravings ? They even make that soda machine now where you can use crystal light in it !!I've used carbonated water with crystal light .. But def. have to get control ...if you want the weight gone got to pull through ;) be sure your allowing yourself your BMR so your not binge eating ;) good luck
  • cjohn2278
    cjohn2278 Posts: 65 Member
    I know it's not the popular response but I love soda...I drink 2-3 cans of diet soda a day and have had no problems losing...sometimes it is what I need to satisfy my sweet tooth...better than grabbing a snickers!!
  • inverseofmissy
    inverseofmissy Posts: 114 Member
    In the past I've found it easiest (in terms of guilt) to make sure I put in a good workout and earn some extra calories if I'm having a really hungry/munchy kind of day so I can indulge later. Right now I'm just getting back to mfp after a year away (and 10 lbs gained back) and I know I've gotten into a habit of snacking too much, especially at night. I went ahead and bought a variety of snacks that were healthy or easy to grab a reasonable serving to satisfy any cravings without going overboard. I know that for me it helps to have a variety of snacks so I don't feel like "there's nothing I want, let me run to taco bell at 1am". Even if the snacks aren't so healthy at least a small serving isn't the end of the world and having them on hand will help me get through the first week or two until I adjust to snacking less often/smaller portions. I will buy any snack I want if I can easily get a roughly 100 calorie serving... 100 calories of cheetos or chocolate might save me from a complete binge if I went out for something else and IMO that's a win :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    HELP!!! I am returning after a couple of years of indulgence and wondered if you had any advice on how to get through the first two weeks...esp when it comes to sweets! I can't seem to pull away from the diet sodas...the donuts...etc...that have become such a regular part of my life...argh!!!!


    Are you logging in everything you eat? If you do then you will see what your patterns are and how much you aer eating. I suggest logging everything in. In fact, the first week or two here, I didn't change my eating habits and just logged. It was sure an eye opener. Finally, I made the choice that I want to be healthy and back to what I used to weight. I'm 9.5 pounds from there now.

    You just have to draw a line in the sand and decide you are going to eat heathy. That does not mean you have to give anything up, it just means you need to learn portion control and moderation.

    I used to binge on sweets all the time, and now I can have a sweet once in a while and move on. There are certain situations where I don't allow myself sweets, especially at work because then I am stress eating, which let me to gain weight back.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Pain. Pain is how you do it!

    Pain is a greater motivator than the idea of being successful. Sales classes talk about this, but I digress.

    So, remind yourself constantly of the painful situations that WILL come if you don't do what you're supposed to do. Not discomfort, but the worse scenarios. Think of that every time you have trouble, instead of the idea of winning or losing or trying to eat this and not that. Put yourself in one or more of your painful situations that could be here a year or two or three or five from now.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    HELP!!! I am returning after a couple of years of indulgence and wondered if you had any advice on how to get through the first two weeks...esp when it comes to sweets! I can't seem to pull away from the diet sodas...the donuts...etc...that have become such a regular part of my life...argh!!!!

    don't over think it. Don't demonize food or food groups. Don't have anything in your house your not happy to eat. Nothing wrong with diet soda just don't wash in it. moderation not exclusion is the key
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    I agree- moderation, not exclusion, for the most part. I try not to exclude things from my diet because that makes me crave them more- I either eat small portions of what I want, or I find a healthier swap or make my own. I'd say work on the donuts first, and don't worry about eliminating the diet soda- focus on getting rid of the calorie bombs first for a few months! Personally I think diet soda is probably safe and okay, just don't drink too much, and get enough water separately.

    What helped me squash sugar cravings was making sure I get enough healthy fat in my diet! Protein too, but healthy fat makes a big difference in my satiety levels throughout the day. My favorite sources are almond butter, avocado, olive oil, and other nuts. Make sure every meal has veggies, protein, and healthy fat. Eat fruit when you're craving sugar during the day- if you crave dessert after meals, have a small serving of fruit after each meal, like 10 grapes or a small apple.

    Something that works for me is to plan an indulgent evening snack every night- set aside 200-300 calories for a really great dessert that you can look forward to all day, like ice cream with a brownie/cookie, a slice of healthy pumpkin pie with ice cream, homemade healthy apple crisp... those are my most recent creations!
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