

  • You may not be eating enough. If your on a 1350 calorie diet you should be eating 5 meals at 270 calories each meal with making sure your balanced in carbs and protein. Its tough to eat 5 times a day at first but I went from eating 2 times a day to 5 well balanced meals a day and lost 36 lbs in 3 months. Your metobalism is…
  • "Keep in mind, ladies, men seem to lose weight easier!!" This is one of my favorite quotes of all time because I am a man. I am in a competition with only ladies and in 3 months another GIRL has lost 43 lbs. Thats more than I have lost in 3 months at 35 lbs. Men are definately built different but the girl I'm in…
  • In 3 months I have lost 35 lbs and got off both blood pressure meds and cholesterol meds. I am 2 sizes down in my close 3 links out of my watch, and I had to get -3/4" off of my wedding ring as it was just falling off everytime I put it on. My energy levels have increased though I still cant get up in the morning to…
  • I know the feeling well. Before I started this program I am currently on I ate twice a day only. I am now doing the 40% Carbs 40% Protein and 20% fat diet and I have since learned to eat 5 meals a day at 380 calories a meal for a total of 1900 calories a day. Now at first I didnt want to eat a 4th and 5th meal but after a…
  • I know the feeling well! I started at 209 on January 13th 2010 and when I got below 2 (first time in years) it was a great feeling..now on an even better note I need 3 lbs to get below 180. THATS INSANE! I havent been in the 170's since like 10 years ago. Its amazing what hard work and focusing can do! Keep up the good…
  • Thanks for the feedback everyone I truly appreciate it! I am definately a food lover and a good cook but I guess I do get discouraged too easy. It is only the 2nd week so I guess I need to regroup and look at my long term goal. I have cheated only a couple times and felt sooo guilty. Why is that? Before I would gobble it…