Rachyk9 Member


  • My advise is to take it out and see what happens. If your weight changes then u know that ti was the IUD. If not - then something else is causing weight gain. You can always get it back in if u really want.
    in copper iud Comment by Rachyk9 June 2014
  • There is a good explanation on this thread, http://community.babycenter.com/post/a24474783/paragard_advice.i_want_it_out
    in copper iud Comment by Rachyk9 June 2014
  • I have done a bunch of research and it appears a lot of people get bad symptoms from it, including weight gain and lack of energy. the weight gain is not caused from hormones, but caused from an increase of oestrogen levels. The copper increases your estrogen levels and causes oestrogen dominance which in turn causes…
    in copper iud Comment by Rachyk9 June 2014
  • I have been struggling with my weight for 3 years now since i have had the copper IUD put in. I work out 2 x a day, and eat no sugar, dairy or grain. I welcome myself to some wine at the end of the week and thats my only cheat. It has been months and my weight has been going up. I dont understand it and i burst into tears…
    in copper iud Comment by Rachyk9 June 2014
  • She also tells me not to eat back any calories and just stay with 1200 a day, but when i exercise and burn 700. That puts me in 700 deficit, ontop of my deficit or 300 from my BMR. Surely that cant be healthy?
  • The thing is, my nutritionist is telling me i cant eat back the calories i have to only eat 1200 calories. For dinner she has allowed me to have 30g of protein, 1 cup of veggies and 20g rice. this is the tiniest amount, and after my workout i am more hungry. i end up with hunger pangs in the night. when i log in that…
  • Sorry to ask, but what is IIFYM, TDEE and sccoby calculator? And NET? Also in this quote "If you'd rather NET 1200 while eating back some exercise calories, well that will end up being a similar number, it looks like. " What do u mean by similar number? Sorry, new to all the lingo. I really appreciate your help. :smooched:
  • Thanks for you response. i am 26 year old female. My weight 71kgs 157 cm. My ideal weight would be 55-58 kgs which is average for my height. Is that what you mean by stats?