copper iud



  • Rachyk9
    Rachyk9 Posts: 10 Member
    I have been struggling with my weight for 3 years now since i have had the copper IUD put in. I work out 2 x a day, and eat no sugar, dairy or grain. I welcome myself to some wine at the end of the week and thats my only cheat. It has been months and my weight has been going up. I dont understand it and i burst into tears infront of my personal trainer.

    I have made a appointment to see a hormone doc this week as i cannot imagine that anything else could be the issue. I work so hard and get no results!!

    Do you really think that the copper IUD is to blame for this? I thought it was hormone free. I mean, it doesnt bother me at all and the periods were heavy at first but now they are fine and everything is normal. Sometimes i forget it is even in there.

    What kind of research did you do to find out that this was the cause of your weight gain?
  • k1ttyk1tty
    k1ttyk1tty Posts: 86 Member
    That's really interesting. The copper iud is just that, a copper iud right? No hormones just metal? Is there a possibility of you having a copper allergy/reaction? I'm not doubting you in way. I'm just curious because I'm considering the copper iud.

    Also, as stated before, your husband is an *kitten*.... with the tact of an 8 year old.
  • Rachyk9
    Rachyk9 Posts: 10 Member
    I have done a bunch of research and it appears a lot of people get bad symptoms from it, including weight gain and lack of energy. the weight gain is not caused from hormones, but caused from an increase of oestrogen levels.

    The copper increases your estrogen levels and causes oestrogen dominance which in turn causes weight gain.

    everyone is different tho.
  • Rachyk9
    Rachyk9 Posts: 10 Member
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    this thread is from 2012...op probably won't respond.
  • EatAllTheCake
    EatAllTheCake Posts: 32 Member
    Yes, this is old but I am glad to see it pop up. I'm wondering about a lot of my health issues over the last several years now since I've had my iud, never even thought about the correlation.
  • Rachyk9
    Rachyk9 Posts: 10 Member
    My advise is to take it out and see what happens. If your weight changes then u know that ti was the IUD. If not - then something else is causing weight gain. You can always get it back in if u really want.
  • LesleyBusbee
    LesleyBusbee Posts: 1 Member
    These post give me great hope! I have thought my metabolism was wrecked because short of doing the strict HCG diet I could not loose a lb... I am 32, I'm 5'4 and weigh currently 134. I have gotten as low as 117 upon completion of the HCG diet but regardless of what I do it always comes back and will not budge! I too have been over the top with logging info and exercise but my weight only goes up. My weight gain has caused many tears but one of the strangest issues I have is I have chronic pain in my lower stomach sometimes dull sometimes stabbing but it's always there... Not ever too bad but always there. I have also had my share of depression, lethargy and not much of a sex drive. Which when I asked doctors they would always reply it was the time in my life and I was just so busy, that maybe the stress of family and running a business had caused these symptoms and that all my blood work and test looked fine. These things have been going on for the last 9 years... And then all the sudden a light switch went off in my head... That's when I had my copper iud put in. I have read numerous threads on lots of sites with people complaining with the same issues after having the copper iud placed. Although I have to admit everyone seemed to be a faster learner than me. I have had mine longer than anyone I've read... But at any rate I'm going to the dr this month to have mine taken out and hope my near decade long ailment/mystery can be solved!
  • ladiablo
    ladiablo Posts: 42 Member

    That was really helpful, thank you!!
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    You know, people will blame their hormonal contraception, then switch to non hormonal and say that was the "answer" or they'll blame the weather or something g else. If it works for you, well then go with god, if not, there are too many factors than to blame it on any one thing.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I have one, the periods due suck, but I haven't had any issues with weight gain. I tend to have some abdominal swelling right before my period, but then it goes away. I'm not sure how a piece of copper stuck up your cervix could cause your body to consume more calories than you burn. The copper ions act as a spermicide, they don't alter your hormones or act as a hormone.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I got my first paraguard 8 weeks after my second daughter was born (2003), without trying all the baby weight disappeared by 6 months postpartum. I may have been lucky but I have now had my second one for over a year and since getting serious about losing the extra weight I have had no issue with anything stopping me.

    The periods are worse, and PMS now is a fact of life but I love the freedom. I can not see how copper would cause weight gain, even metabolic disorders do not prevent the math of calories in vs out to work, they just slightly alter the numbers. Weight loss is food consumption, exercise is for body composition and fitness.

    Your belly may have went down, if you had bloating.....bloating does seem to be worse with the paraguard.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    I have one, the periods due suck, but I haven't had any issues with weight gain. I tend to have some abdominal swelling right before my period, but then it goes away. I'm not sure how a piece of copper stuck up your cervix could cause your body to consume more calories than you burn. The copper ions act as a spermicide, they don't alter your hormones or act as a hormone.
    I haven't had any issues losing or gaining with mine either. Sometimes people need something to blame if nothing seems to be working.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 921 Member
    I have one, the periods due suck, but I haven't had any issues with weight gain. I tend to have some abdominal swelling right before my period, but then it goes away. I'm not sure how a piece of copper stuck up your cervix could cause your body to consume more calories than you burn. The copper ions act as a spermicide, they don't alter your hormones or act as a hormone.
    I haven't had any issues losing or gaining with mine either. Sometimes people need something to blame if nothing seems to be working.

    Completely agree...although I think there are some side effects with some hormones (holy water weight/permanent PMS status)...I got the paraguard after being on the pill for years and years and have always been a slow weight loss person...I kinda was hoping for a magical "whoosh" when I went off but alas...nothing changed...wasn't the is all me LOL

    I am loving my paraguard! I bled (nothing heavy) starting 3 days after getting it for about 9 days...and nothing since, not even a cramp and it is coming up on a month with it :)
  • schauf143
    schauf143 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m so happy to read this! Just made an appt to get my iud removed. I breast fed for a year and only lost three pounds of baby weight. Not only that, but as soon as I got my Paragard in, I gained 5 pounds in a couple weeks. I’ve been at the same weight for a year. I have started my excercise at 7 weeks pp, and have been working out 6 days a week and on a strict diet. Counting my calories and Being super careful of what I ate, and being super determined to break the weight loss plateau. Nothing worked. Went to three different weight nutritionists and nothing changed. Did everything as strict as possible. I just didn’t get it. My doctor didn’t either. My first child I had bounced right back to my normal weight. I never had this issue pp. I also chose not to get an iud after my first, so thanks for the post I’m going to make sure to see if this is what my problem is!!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited July 2018
    ETA damn it just realised this is a zombie thread. I stand by what I wrote below, but obviously totally out of date advice now.

    OP I think you concentrated on the wrong issue.

    Your husband accused you of cheating because you hadn't shown any changes, and pointed out flaws etc. This is borderline abusive. Especially making you do a crunch in front of him? what is that about.

    OP please tell me you have at least started a new type of birth control (ok i re-read, condoms)? Unles you want another child be extra careful. I suspect your husband mentioned the IUD as the possible reason? Was he all supportive in you removing it, and blaise about replacing it.

    please be careful OP.
  • carolinaedgar
    carolinaedgar Posts: 1 Member
    I know this is an old thread but SO glad to had run into it . I had the similar problem with the copper IUD !!! I had it for 3 years and my weight was only going up . I run 6 days a week and do heavy lifting and yet no budging in the scale or clothes . I began doing research and copper toxicity was something many woman complained about . I had so many of the mental / emotional and physical symptoms. Brain fog , anxiety, exhaustion, stubborn weight , constantly bloated even my face ! All of this began with in the 3 years of having my IUD . I got it removed this past Monday and I definitely notice the bloating is gone . Hopefully everything goes back to normal. Excessive copper isn’t good for the body , throws your hormones & minerals out of balance and causes so much madness . Hope you all affected by it are doing better !!!
  • BonnieDLG
    BonnieDLG Posts: 30 Member
    Wow, hello MFP friends! I didn’t click to get notifications on this thread and missed all the comments. Well update: after removing the copper iud I did get back to 135lbs. Woot woot! A year later I got pregnant. But I know how my body felt and reacted, and I know the IUD was a problem for regardless of others opinion on the weight gain. I now am struggling with weight loss once again, but this time it is my calories in vs out.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    The copper IUD left me suffering with the same symptoms for years, because like you, I didn't believe that it could cause issues because it was hormone free. It took a worried GP to send me to the gyn on a 2 week cancer pathway appointment before anyone suggested it could be IUD related. Fortunately it wasn't cancer and after IUD removal I was 100% better within a few weeks. I'd never have another nor recommend them to anyone! Just because it doesn't contain hormones doesn't mean that the copper itself can't have an effect on your own hormone balance.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    BonnieDLG wrote: »
    Wow, hello MFP friends! I didn’t click to get notifications on this thread and missed all the comments. Well update: after removing the copper iud I did get back to 135lbs. Woot woot! A year later I got pregnant. But I know how my body felt and reacted, and I know the IUD was a problem for regardless of others opinion on the weight gain. I now am struggling with weight loss once again, but this time it is my calories in vs out.

    Are you guys done having kids now? Maybe it is time to consider my very favorite form of birth control ever - vasectomy!