

  • Congratulations, it's funny, we never want to take pictures of ourselves when we are at our worse. However, in this case, this proves we can ALL do it and this is nothing but motivation that it is possible and to see the smile in your face is the payoff.
  • Good attitude works, try it. Ultimately, YOU are responsible for your own success. Coming to a site to make friends is a bit unrealistic, it can happen, but should not be the focus. First impressions are certainly at play here, just a thought.
    in Faker? Comment by giro429 January 2012
  • Hi there, welcome! :) I was previously on WeightWatchers, lost 40, then some life stuff happened and I stopped, as you did, becoming accountable for myself and slowly returned back to my old ways. Don't give up, you know how to do this, you've been logging, this is no different than LiveStrong. Just keep in mind the goal…
  • welcome on-board, there are plenty of guys here so don't feel alone. The first step was joining, now just make it part of your routine. Using the desktop, for me, has been excellent, as I am on the computer all day to begin with, so having access to the tool online is perfect. Good luck!
  • I was doing Weight Watchers, but something was not working out for me. Been on here for a few weeks, we'll see. Anywho, you are not the only one, there seem to be plenty of guys online using it. :)