I can't get over how perfect the 10th Doctor is #^_^#
24! Don't worry, there are lots of us :P
Does honey dissolve pretty well in most things? Or just hot drinks and such?
Same here! Adding ^^ And you are gorgeous!
Yeah, it doesnt' sound very edible huh? :P
Onions! I love love love the smell of onions. It puts me in the mood to cook healthy things :P
Great way of thinking, thank you! And your pic is totally inspirational, you look great!
<3 David Tennant has my heart! And I'm the same. Give me lifting or anaerobic excercises and I'm pretty good...then I get to the cardio and I'm like ""
The term "worker outer" is cute :P And thank you! The thought of sweating as a body cleansing actually makes sense to me. I don't know what it is but thinking of things in such terms really helps.
Hi! I'd love to. I bought it last week and it's been staring at me...judging v_v It's time to get started.
I think it is the fact that most women want to partner with another woman. We lose weight differently. You should ask some guys. And, to be straight forward, this isn't a dating website and most women don't think of it that way.