ToddlerMom2011 Member


  • Hi, I didn't realize you had replied. I was expecting some kind of notification. No matter, I know to keep checking back now. In response to your questions, yes I can take my daughter for walks, but only on the weekends. I try to put her in the stroller and walk to a playground and back at least 1 day of the weekend. She…
  • Hi. I'm not sure where everyone lives, but with the internet today, online motivators are just as good as face to face friends. I'd love to join with you.
  • I can totally relate to having no time. On top of working full time, and caring for my toddler, my husband works nights. Which means my day starts at 5am and doesn't stop until 8:30pm. I have no idea where I am going to fit in time to exercise. My daughter wants to be with me all the time, so the most time I have is 2 mins…