

  • When going through cycles of dieting/not dieting/general variations in my eating and workout patterns, my weight fluctuates by 5-6 pounds, and even then I notice a difference...Only in my upper body though - at my lower weight my upper abs show when I tense them, at a higher weight they don't. My legs stay the same I…
  • Personally I'm not a dinner person at all, most nights my dinners are like my lunches or smaller. Usually I adapt my eating according to my hunger - if I am particularily hungry during the day, I might not eat at all after 5 or 6 pm, but if I suspect I'll get hungry in the evening I'll leave a minimum of 200 calories. If I…
  • That's a great idea! Do you make them in popsicle molds? I don't have any, but I'll look for some or see if I find something else that'll work.
  • Ooh, I'm in! A few days late, but I hope I'll make it anyway :) May 4: 90 minutes tango, 5 minutes stair walking, 5 minutes leg exercises Time left: 22 hours 20 minutes
  • Unfortunately my wrists can't support any weight whatsoever these days :( But thanks for the tip anyway! I always walk very quickly, often because I'm in a hurry (in that case I usually break out a sweat), other times just out of habit. I chose the custom option to set my goals because I trust other calculators more than…
  • I was also set to 1200 automatically, but my TDEE is mostly around 1800-2000, and my body was definitely not happy with eating that little, so I changed it manually to 1450.
  • SW: ? CW: 62 GW: 59
  • Yeah, I'm definitely aware of that - for me, the whole "not logging" thing is really only about keeping my mental state in a better place (because I find that my mentality towards dieting is really the main thing that decides whether I'll be successful or not). It's a tricky balance, though, trying to not be too…
  • Thanks for the responses! :D I agree with what you're all saying - taking a step back and realising it's just one day and won't matter in the grand scheme of things is probably the best thing one can do in order to stay on the right track. It's so tricky at times, though! But I'll breathe through it and let it go. These…
  • Oh, I'm in! :) Might be tricky as I have a 10-day visit at my partner's place coming up (and we tend to eat a fair amount of chocolate (he has a fast metabolism and can eat whatever without worrying, the *kitten*)), buuut with good enough planning I think I can do it. At the moment I assume I weigh about 63 kgs, would like…
  • Pasta. It doesn't really have much of a taste (at least not compared to the other yummy stuff I could eat for those calories), so while I don't dislike it I always avoid it. The same goes for most all fast foods, really - if I'm going to have something high-cal I prefer for it to be something sweet and decadent, like a…
  • Typically Stevia drops - I have English Toffee and Vanilla flavoured ones at hand. I often combine them with other natural or artificial sweeteners though, I find that makes for a more balanced taste.
  • I'm from Norway. While growing up, I'd say I ate more or less a "traditional" Norwegian diet, which would consist of: Breakfast(7-8 am): Slices of wholegrain bread with butter and something like cold cuts or cheese. Lunch (at school, 11-12 am): Same as breakfast, brought from home. (If I got hungry again before dinner I…