

  • Yes you have been bad, please message me to schedule your spanking.
  • I look at as one day at a time. I'm using Fitbit Flex, and MFP. I'm doing this because I'm tire of being overweight. I did't get this way overnight, and I know it won't change rapidly. I had a recent heart scare, spent the night in the hospital and had a heart cath. Everything except my BP was ok, but it inspired me to do…
  • Just got back from a short walk after starting the Fitbit flex. I downloaded the iphone app. Pretty cool. You can open the app while walking and see steps being added in real time. I'm sure there will be a learning curve, but I'm impressed.
  • I just signed up today. I also have just gotten a Fitbit flex, so this is where I start. A recent health issue has prompted me to start this. I used to be a runner, can't do that any more, so I'm hoping I can find the inspiration and motivation here to do something different than I have for the last 30 years.